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Becky's POV

I followed the children's gaze and they were looking at the door. I knew it was her. No one would give this kind of effort for me.

I walked into the door to see a white paper dropped on to the floor.

I picked up the Letter and opened it.

"Meet me at 6 pm in ******* restaurant"


I just smiled out of nowhere. She never failed to make me smile. I just went back inside the room and continued writing.

After Richard died I decided to help in the vampire community. I started teaching the kindergarten vampire kids.

I somehow enjoy this kind of job. Even if it was very far from what I wanted. I already accepted that this is my destiny.

To live with them..

After class I went back home first to get ready. I wonder what she prepared this time.

I'm a little excited for the dinner "DATE".

After a little touch only make up. I went down the stairs and was surprised to see that there was a car waiting outside for me.

"This way miss" the guard said and opened the door for me. So she even instructed the guards to drop me off. What a possessive woman.

As we stopped in front of the restaurant I noticed that there's no one here since this was the only car I could see.

I step down and the guard assisted me. As I opened the door of the  restaurant a music started.

And there she is..

Playing the piano with a beautiful Piece. Looking at her playing the piano with emotions makes my heart skip a bit.

I never knew I would feel this kind of feeling for her. I knew that I liked her. No...
I Love her... But still I haven't told her what I really feel, maybe today..

After that beautiful piece she looked directly in my eyes and then a waiter came in giving her the bouquet of flowers.

She walked towards me looking in my eyes. Which makes me wanna melt in front of her. She gave me the roses that she's holding.

"Bouquet for my beautiful lady" she said the kisses my forehead making me blush and almost fall on my knees.

I didn't expect her to kiss me. Luckily she immediately held me tight on my back.

"Common let's sit we should not let the food wait for us" she said I'm still out of words.

She held me in my hands guiding me into the seat near the piano. The table is already ready. The food is fixed perfectly.

She moved the chair for me and let me sit first. All I can say is that in the world of vampires she's a gentleman.

We started eating and both of us were silent like we didn't want to break the atmosphere we were having.



We both spoke Making us laugh at each other.

"You may go first" she said

"Ahmm freen.." I was stopped when someone played the piano again.

"Can I have this dance?" She asked

I just nodded and held her hands. We stood up near the piano and started dancing. So sweetly that we were drowned by each other's eyes.

After the music freen kneel down. I was confused about what she was doing..

But then she took a box out of her pocket and opened it. Inside it is a ring with a diamond. It was just a simple ring but the what she asked makes it special.

"Becky.. I knew this will be fast.. we just lost someone close to you.. but I'm gathering all my strengths and luck to ask you this question. I have been In love with you ever since. I can do everything for you even kill someone who hurt you. I know I have done many things that hurts you a lot but I promise not to hurt you anymore Becky.. so I'm asking you will you marry me?" She asked she looked nervous.

She was right she can kill for me just to make sure I'm safe. I'm so dumb to think she's a killer but all she wanted is to make me safe.

"Freen.. I'm sorry but... You're forever stuck on me.." I said

"It's fine Becky I understand.." she said not realizing what I said..

"What?.. did you just said an indirect yes?" She said making her eyes big

"Yes freen I'm willing to marry you and be with you forever" I said

"You heard it guys!!! She already said yes!" She said screaming in the restaurant

I was confused at first but then out of nowhere our friends and relatives came out.

"We're getting married" she said smirking raising the hand where she put the ring.

I can see how happy she are..

"Thanks Becky I love you" she said

"I love you too freen" and then I kissed her making her stunned.

Everyone laughed on her reaction and then we all celebrate after that..


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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