Chapter 1

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"Can you fasten up your Checking" i sarcastically said to Richie who was clearly annoyed by my impatience.

"Shut up" he said

"Come on Richie, hurry up. I don't wanna miss the flight" I said again. I was getting impatient. He was checking my bags and making sure everything was there for me. But he has been doing that for an hour now. 

"Oh hooo, you both have been parted for a month not over a year, hold your horses. You are going on our private plane, chill down sister" he said. Even though he has a point. I don't want to listen to him or admit that he is right.

"Uhhhhh" i groaned and laid down. After like one hour we both are at the airport.

"Take care, you devil. Don't get into any troubles there, if anything happens don't hesitate to call me" Richie said

"I am not a baby Richie, and it's not the first time I'm visiting Thailand " I said

"Yeah, you visited Thailand 200 years ago Bec, that's too long. Everything has changed now. And don't forget Thailand is full of werewolves, so please be careful " he said hugging me.

"I will, and I'll call you if I need any help" I said. He took his wallet and gave me a card.

"It's a contact number of Chankimha's, they are dad's old friends. Call them if you need anything and mostly if you have any warewolves problems. Dad already informed them that you are coming to Bangkok" he said and i nodded

"Okay, but Irin will be there to take care of me. So don't worry too much. And you know Billy is there too" i said

"And I still don't trust him that much, but i do trust irin. But don't hesitate to call this number okay" Richie said and i nodded my head again.

We both parted our ways. I'm already on the flight. It's going to be a long flight. But I don't care. I just want to meet Billy, I haven't seen him for a month and I'm missing him dearly. He doesn't know that I'm coming over, I want to surprise him.

And it's been so long since I saw Irin, the last time we met was 200 years ago. Still our friendship is solid like always.

I landed at Bangkok airport at midnight. I was escorted to the lobby and i saw my dear friend there waiting for me.

She came towards me and embraced me. Aww, it's been so long since I've seen her. God, I missed her a lot.

"It's good to see you Becky, it's been so long. I missed you" she said as soon as we broke the hug.

"I missed you too gummy bear" I said and hugged her again.

"How are you, how's mom and dad and Richie" she asked

"I'm good and they are also doing well, how's your parents??" I asked her

"They are doing well too" she said

"Oh god, I missed you so much " she said again and hugged me.

"Ahem " we heard a throat clearing sound. I looked back and saw a short haired girl, who looked a bit older than me.

"Umm, Bec meet Noey my fiance and Noey she's my best friend Becky" irin introduced

"You are already engaged and you didn't tell me, not fair" I said and pouted a bit.

"Okay best friends, why don't we take this conversation back to our car, where you could get comfy and talk. It's a long ride. You guys will have plenty of time to catch up" Noey suggested and led us to the car.

The drive from the airport to her place was almost 2 hours. I didn't complain cause we talked a lot. She told me about her and Noey and how they got engaged and how everything changed here. How warewolves and vampires are a community. And about her new friends and gang. Everything

And the most shocking part was, irin is studying again in a college cause of her fiance. I still remember how irin hated going to school and colleges. But I'm really surprised she's going to college again.

"Well, apparently Noey and Nam didn't want Freen to attend the college alone so they also took admission and dragged Heng with them. And it was boring without them so i decided to study with them too" irin said completing her story.

So Freen was Alpha's daughter, she said Freen is 23 years old and they all are friends. And Nam and Heng, who are apparently a warewolf. And they are mates too.

I was glad that irin has good company here, when I was leaving Thailand we both cried a lot and seeing her happy now makes me happy too.

"So what's the sudden visit Bec" she asked

"So my boyfriend is here for some business and it's been a month and our anniversary is in a week so I just wanted to surprise him" I said happily

"Wow, you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me" she said and pouted. She literally turned the tables on me. Wow, just wow.

"Should I remind you about your Fiance part" i asked her and she shook her head. I heard Noey chuckling, we both looked towards her.

"Oh, please don't mind me, you guys carry on with your catching up" she said still chuckling.

After like 30 minutes we reached our destination. It was a beautiful place. I was mesmerized by the sight.

"We are here, I'll help you with luggages, you both should get inside" Noey said and we both nodded.

"Come on Bec, I'll show you around after we wake up" she said. It was already 4 in the morning.

"Yeah, I'm so tired and i really want to lay down " I said and yawned.


Author's Note

I'm gonna update this story weekly, till I finish the other book.

Hope you guys enjoy the story

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