Giga-Chad Arc Part 2 - Episode 64: The Story of The Sharpie

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The Next Day

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The Next Day...

Trump: So Obamna, Who's Next on Reading Hunter's Harem?

Mbappe: My guess is Those No-Names Again.

Obama: Charlie is definitely the Giga-Chad of that Trio.

Bush suddenly walks into the room.

Trump: Speak of the Devil.

Bush: Guys. We all Need to talk.

Mbappe: Yes we do. Donald has no Ass. like this dude is Minus one Ass.

Ronaldo: I'm pretty sure that's not What George wants to Talk about.

Bush Takes out the Sharpie.

Bush: it's time you all Learn the Truth. Call the others.

N & V's Garage...

Everyone was Sitting in the circle with The Sharpie in the middle.

J: Okay are you finally about to tell me What the hell is so important about a God Damn Marker?

V: And How the Hell did Mbappe Nearly knock me the hell out with it?

Bush: Ladies and Gentlemen.... This Very Sharpie is Perhaps the most powerful Weapon a Giga-Chad could ever have.


Ronaldo: It's a fucking Marker!

Bush: Will you listen for longer than 3 God damn seconds?


Bush (Narrating): A long, Long time ago, There was a Gig-


Bush: Oh will you Shut up?! I'm trying to tell you a story here!

Bush (Narrating): Ahem, As I was Saying, A long time ago, There was a Giga-Chad who used to live in Miami. This Giga-Chad in Particular was the ONLY Giga-Chad who could Perform multiple Abilities, New and Old.

This Giga-Chad was Known as a Great Adventurer, Warrior, Everything in between.

At Age 13, He Was bestowed This Sharpie. Like Everyone else, He thought nothing of it, but then one Day, He was cornered by Thugs, The marker being his only defence.

To his, And everyone Else's Surprise, The Marker ended up being Very Effective.

This Giga-Chad then started Using This Sharpie on every mission he's ever been on, Taking on Creatures and Beasts that Now only exist in your Nightmares. It seemed like Nothing could possibly take him down.

....... Until 2009.

That was the Year of This Giga-Chad's Final mission. He Was sent to deal with Bowser. And as Always, he brought his Sharpie with him.

He definitely had the upper Hand, but Bowser was Smart this time and Absolutely Decimated Him. He Used a Bob-omb on The Giga-Chad and it Blew up in his face. As a Result, He Failed his mission.

There was no body by the end of it, He was no where to be seen.

His Current whereabouts are Still unknown. There have been Rumors that he Was Dead, others say He was in Hiding, and Others say that he Gave up entirely.

There was No trace of this Giga-Chad Anywhere... Until Bush Found the Sharpie.

Bush: And Well, That's the story.

Obama: Holy shit....

N: Woah... George.... What do you Think?

Bush: I think He is in fact, Dead. But I will protect this in His name.

God Z appears.

God Z: .... Looks like I got here on time.

N: Actually you got here Late, he just finished the story.

Bush: Tell us, Is he still alive?

God Z: ..... I don't know.

Trump: oh come on, You know Everything About Giga-Chads yet you don't know if this Freak is alive or not?

Bush: If he doesn't know, he doesn't know Donald.

J: Nah I call total Horseshit too. How do you not-

N: J... Maybe you shouldn't Doubt him.

Ronaldo: N's Right. Thank you God Z.

Bush: Meeting adjourned.

They All left N & V and headed back into the house.

Obama: George.... You okay?

Bush: That was the first time I've told anyone that story. That man was considered The Greatest Giga-Chad of all Time. He Fought every opponent head-on, knowing the risks.

Trump: And now here we are, looking at a Giga-Chad who Stares at that marker, and Another One who has to have a Bodyguard with him.

Bush: V knows she can't protect N forever, and sooner or Later He'll have to carry on by himself.

Obama: Exactly, and N has Done incredible things by himself.

Trump: Sure buddy, sure. Anyways, I'm off to bed. See you fuckers tomorrow.

Bush: I agree, we should too. Goodnight Obama.

Obama: Night.

Trump: Make sure to follow VictoriaSampsel2 or I will build a Fucking Wall around your house as well, Thanks.

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