Episode 3: Going to Space

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On The Beach

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On The Beach..

Obama: Okay, The Ship is Ready

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Obama: Okay, The Ship is Ready.

Trump: Fuck yeah, let's go to space.

V: Why are we going to space again?

Obama: Because you killed President Michael Jordan you Stupid Bitch! We can't Live on this planet anymore, not get in the Fuckin Ship!

Everyone gets in the Ship.

N: This is gonna be so much fun 😊

J: Wipe that Goofy Smile right off your Fucking face, We just got banned from the Fuckin Planet!!

N: Well, J, we can always make the best out of every situation 😊.

J smacks N and gets in the Ship.

Bush: Where's Mbappe?

Haaland: He's Sitting on the control stick.

Bush: Remind me to wear Gloves when flying this bird.

Ronaldo: or you can have Trump do it without knowing.

Bush/Ronaldo: ......... Deal.

In Space...

Obama: Okay, Now that we're in space, What do we do now?

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Obama: Okay, Now that we're in space, What do we do now?

Haaland: We could play monopoly!

N: Umm... What's Monopoly?

Davies: It's a board game. Prepare to lose friends in that game.

N: Oh, I already don't have a lot of friends 😊

Trump: That's not surprising one bit lmao + L + Ratio + I Rizzed up Your mom + Fuck you guys I am the greatest!

J: Ugh. shut up Donald! Wait, Did you even bring any Food?

Obama: ..... Fuck!

Trump: Oh my God guys!!

Messi: What the fuck is it you Oversized Cheeto.

Trump: They Have McDonald's!!!

Obama: That's great Donald, but is there any food Besides McDonald's?

Trump: Yeah, That auto cooker can make anything.

Bush: Guess that solves the Food Problem. But what about Oxygen.

Obama: I'll go check the Oxygen Tan- Where's V?

They hear an explosion Outside.


N: There she is.

J: of Course YOU'RE the first one to notice

N: What's that supposed to mean J? We All heard that right?

Trump: I didn't because I was too busy listening to everyone talk about how amazing I am.

Obama goes downstairs to check the Oxygen Tanks.

Obama: Holy shit Guys! There's enough oxygen in here to last us a good 30 years. Well, Us humans since the Drones don't breathe oxygen.

N: We don't?

J: You're an Idiot.

N: I am?

V flies back into the ship.

V: Dude, look what I found.

She Drops Metal Sonic to the ground.

Obama: Holy shit, Is that metal sonic?

V: Huh? Oh yeah he's pretty impressive too, but I mean this!

She pulls out a Diamond Axe.

Trump: Holy shit!! We're gonna be rich!!!

Everyone celebrates.... Except J and Obama.

J: Yo! Idiots!

Obama: We can't Afford Anything with that, because we're not allowed back on earth!!

Everyone: ..... Fuck!!

Trump: Make sure to Follow AprilJackson18 or I will build a Fucking wall around your house as well, Thanks

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Trump: Make sure to Follow AprilJackson18 or I will build a Fucking wall around your house as well, Thanks.

Obama: Donald are you threatening people again?

Trump: Shut up or I will nuke you as well.

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