Episode 6: Trump Gets a Job

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At The House

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At The House...

Trump: You see Maguire, One can only be born as the greatest. They can't become the Greatest afterwards.

Maguire: That does make sense, but The Greatest being you is Extremely low chance!

Trump: Keep Coping you Little sh-

Messi: Hey Donald! I got the Rent bill. $3000.... For JUST you! How the fuck do we afford this?

Bush: Well I save the world.

Messi: You don't get paid for it.

Bush: Wait, I don't? Aw hell no, I'm not saving Jack shit anymore!

He leaves.

Trump: So what do you want me to do about it?

Messi: You mind getting a Job? I mean it could be anywhere. Burger King? Nintendo? Oooh! I know, Arby's!

Trump: Arby's? Can't we get V to do that?

Messi: V already works there. You can work with her.

Trump: Why me? Can't you do it?

Messi: Hell no, Davies and I gotta keep track of Mbappe.

V Bursts into the room.

V: Did I hear that someone wants to work at Arby's?

Messi: Donald does.

Trump: What?

V: Fuckin' awesome! We're gonna have an awesome time there!

Trump: I'd rather Die than work with you-

BAM!! V Pins Trump to the wall and turns her hand into her Knife-like claws.


Trump: Okay Okay Okay I'll work at Arby's!

Messi: Thank you Trump.

Trump: Fuck You!!


V: Okay Donald, Unless you want me to- SLICE YOU INTO TOMORROW'S DINNER MUAHAHAHAHAHAH- Come meet your fellow employees. This is Peter Griff-

Peter: Oh no not This guy.

Trump: Oh Jesus Christ Why the fuck are You Here? Wait, Don't you already have a job you fucking Jackass?

Peter: and Aren't you a billionaire? Oh wait, you're Cash Poor.

Trump: I'm gonna Fucki-

V: ENOUGH!!! Okay Trump, You're gonna be Working the cash register.

Trump: Why in the fuck am i doing that?

V: Because that's the lowest rank.

Trump: Why am I on a low rank? I should be the highest rank of them all! I am the Big D Trump, The Richest And most humble man alive.

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