Massacre Arc Part 7 - Episode 33: Final Preparations

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Trump: Alright You Crazy Piles of Junk

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Trump: Alright You Crazy Piles of Junk. Today the Big D Trump is gonna teach you all how to Match his Awesomeness!

Thad: You live with this guy?

V: Unfortunately. I'm pretty sure some people actually forgot for the past 3 or so Episodes.

Trump: Hey! The Big D Trump is Speaking. Anyway, In order to defeat M and J, You must Discover yourselves.

V: How about I just go to George Since he's the only one who knows what he's talking about.

Trump: He Trains Giga-Chads you Freddy Krueger Wannabe.

V turns her hand into her Death claws.

V: Are you gonna help us or not?

Trump: Yeah Yeah sure, I'll help you Train to avenge your Pathetic Puppy Drone.


Thad Holds V back.

Thad: Not Cool Trump.

Trump: How dare you say that You little Peasant? You are under the great guidance of The Big D Trump.

V: I thought this was a Serious Only Arc.

MA1: I couldn't resist

V: Fuck You!

Trump: Step one, you gotta stretch to get those gains.

Trump stretches and immediately snaps in half.


V: This is what I gotta deal with on a daily basis.

Suddenly, V gets an Alert.


She flies out of the house.


M and J flew Face First into the Window where N is.

M: It's Time for Us to Finally Finish The Job!

J: Ha! I can't wait to see that heartbroken look on V, Uzi and Thad's pathetic faces!

M: That'll be Fun. But first we Take care of business.

M morphs His hand into A Fuckin Nuclear Rocket and prepares to shoot N's Face.

???: Oh no You Don't!!

V bashes into the Room and grabs M, Throwing him outside where M spawns his Wings and Flies back inside.

J Grabs V and Tosses Her Right on top of N's Destroyed Body.

J: Heh. Pathetic. You Try to protect the Most Useless drone in Our history and now You've just become the Reason that he's Dead.

V: gets up and looks at the Damage her landing has caused.

Her fists shake up as she Stares down her former Friend.

V: You've.... done it This time.

She Grabs J with her Death Claws and Rips her To Shreds, throwing all her pieces out the Window.

V: IT'S ON!!!

J Regenerates of Course and Flies upwards towards M.

M: It is in fact on. Let's Finish This over at The Great Battlefield of Kings.

J: Is that actually what it's called?

M/V: Yeah.

V: See you there Fucker!!!

M and J fly off. V then looks At the hospitalized N.

V: I made a promise to protect you... And I failed. I will keep this promise.... To finally Rid This World of That Heartless, Malevolent Pile of Shit!!

To Be Concluded....

Trump: Make Sure to Follow supermassiveFan04 or I will build a Fucking Wall around your house as well, Thanks.

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