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You felt free as you walked out of rehab after your two and a half month stay, your heart flutters when you see Cathy waiting for you as you run to her. The two of you ate and went home where you truly shower after so long instead of just half your body with a washcloth, "Mind if I join you?" you smile as cathy joins you before kisses are shared in the comfortable silence under the warm water for the next few minutes until the water starts getting cold leading to the two of you cuddling in bed under the covers after falling asleep which was the first time you truly slept in a long while since you had checked in to rehab due to your growing addiction to opioids that started four months back after getting into a car pileup accident that injured your back leading to you being prescribed strong pain killers that would be the start of a never ending battle. The final straw came when you accidentally overdosed on Methadone leading to the wake up call for you to realize the rabbit hole you had been stuck in, you were straight to rehab as soon as you had healed from back surgery which was emotional for you and cathy not only because you knew that you needed help but you couldn't handle knowing that she could hate you and was disappointed in you for your budding addiction only further sinking you into a deep depression until the last week of your stay where you felt human again rather than a zombie or as you say "Just being here" as you went through the painful detox of your body cleansing the tolerance and remaining drugs in your system out for the first six weeks of your stay before doing group and individual sessions of therapy with a therapist and psychiatrist, you wake up after a few hours of sleeping before finding cathy making stir fry which made your mouth water and your heart flutter. You pull her into a hug as tears flow down your face as her hands run through your hair and caress your back knowing how it helped with the small amount of pain, "I love you, I'm so proud of you for getting help even though it was hard" you quietly sob in her shoulder as you realize that she didn't hate you for what happened and loved you no matter what which made your bottled up emotions pour out like a waterfall as she holds you in her arms and whisper reassurance to you, "I'm not disappointed in you and I never was, I was just so worried about you" the next thing you knew was sharing emotional soft kisses before eating and spending the rest of the night making up to each other for the lost time you were away until you held her in your arms as she sleeps and press a kiss to her temple "I love you".

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