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{15} 𖣔᯾ 𝙹𝚊𝚣𝚣𝚢 ᯾𖣔

"Are you okay, Jaz? Do you need help?" Gigi asked from beside me and I simply rolled my eyes in response as I stood up, my head only dizzying for a moment before it returned to its unbothered state.

The scene laid before me was truly a moment, with Mal circling the sky, shooting fire at the sea witch beneath her as she did so.

And although a duel to the death sounded like a joy to watch, I should've known Ben wouldn't be able to put himself before Mal.

He roared loudly and handed his crown and his jacket to Carlos, who only frowned confusedly in response.

Protests rang out as the King ran forward and dived off the edge of the boat and into the cold water.

He shook his head when he reached the surface and put a hand up to stop the pair from fighting.

I had to grip onto Ali's jacket to allow myself a good view of the exchange, and all I heard was Uma's loud voice stating: "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?"

Ben must have answered her question with a heartfelt response, because Uma's eyes turned sympathetic.

She reached a long tentacle out to him, inside was his ring.

The octopus monster smiled sadly at the King before dunking herself under the water and swimming back towards the Isle.

A few cheers of victory sounded from the guests, but mostly everyone just ran to the edge to help Ben get out of the water.

I stayed locked in Ali's arms as I watched Mal land on the higher deck, her wings closing around her before a purple mist engulfed her and she was- back but different.

Her dress was no longer made up of Auradon colours, instead it was purple and black, and it was gorgeous.

She waved at the love of her life at the same time as I turned to face mine.

I tilted my head to the side in question and he simply laughed in reply as I stretched up to kiss him.

"Dude... that's my sister." Jay chuckled as he and Carlos pulled us apart.

"I don't know how we are ever to top them, Ben." Mal smiled as she looked at us both.

Ben frowned, "Exactly like this."

And then they shared another kiss, almost identical to the one Mal had used to break him from Uma's spell, except it was passionate.

"We're still better." Ali commented and I nodded, giggling at him as me and Mal stepped a few steps back.

Simultaneously, we used our heels to kick the water that soaked the flooring at them both.

The crowd gasped and laughed in shock as the King and the Sultan retaliated by driving their boots through the water.

I squealed as the cold liquid came into contact with my hair, my shoulders, my face, and my arms.


Everyone laughed as the blue-haired geniette found herself at the turntable, placing a disc onto the set as she spun it round.

Mal and Ben stood in front of the crowd, and we all dropped into a curtesy or a bow before them.

Technically, as royalty ourselves, me and Ali had no obligation to do that, but it was amusing to see the dark red skirt of my dress hit the floor.

"Mal, I wanna dance but i can't in this." I frowned as I looked down at my long red formal gown.

"Then pray, let us dance in far more casual attire." Mal giggled in a faux formal tone as she reached her hand forward, eyes glowing green.

I smiled and took her hand in my own, gold meeting green as the ladies' dresses were turned into that of a cocktail party and not a serious event, everyone laughing and dancing to the music.

We ended up creating a trick circle, where Jay had to show off with Lonnie. I didn't understand how they happened, but I was glad none-the-less.

I raised my arms in the air when Ali dragged us into the middle and lifted my up, spinning us around gracefully.

When he placed me back down, my hands rested round his neck as I gazed into his eyes.

His dark brown eyes that were filled with light.

God, how I'd missed the eyes.

Everyone around us faded away as I stood on my tiptoes, Ali bending his neck to catch my mouth, his lips moving against mine to the rhythm which had slowed.

When we pulled away, I laughed and noticed the VKs stood at the railing.

"I'll be right back." I smiled to Ali, who understood as I rushed away.

I leant my head on Jay's shoulder as we looked out across the ocean, Carlos, Evie and Mal beside us.

The barrier on the Isle glistened as they put Harry back inside, and I smiled. "I saw Dad." I said to Jay, who looked down at me.

"Yeah?" He asked, smiling back at me.

"Yeah... and he's good. The Isle's always gonna be part of us." I said to the group, and they all nodded in agreement.

I could never forgive Harry for spelling me, but as I stared out at the barrier, I wished they could all be out of the Isle.

And I knew one day, with Mal as Queen of Auradon, that would no doubt happen.

The future terrified me, and I didn't want to mess it up by thinking irrationally, but the more I thought about spending it with Ali, the more my fears drifted away.

The VKs returned to the party as Ali came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You okay, Jaz?" He asked, kissing my shoulder briefly.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about the future." I admitted, sighing happily.

"I hope it includes me, because I'm forever yours, Jazzy. You're stuck with me." His comment made me giggle and spin around to face him.

"And I, forever yours." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck as we slow-danced to the club beat that came on Gigi's mix.

No-one can say they are perfect, but no moment like this is worth any other description besides perfection.

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