63 - Gael

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After helping out Aurora with her first period, I had to go and work with Hudson on his campaign. I hope she don't eat all my snacks when I'm gone again.

The fancy, rich place that he live in was still there. Except on my way there, I started reconsidering my decisions. Why did I say yes to going to Heather's house?

I knocked on the door three times and a woman with long braids came open it.

"Hello?" She looked at me, raising her eyebrows. Her face shines, really bringing out her dark chocolate eyes.

"Hi...." What am I here for again? "I'm Gael? A friend of Hudson.... Ummm I'm here for a project?"

She raised that left eyebrow even higher to a point where it bothers me. "Hudson? He's not with us anymore."

Did he die? Oh my gosh my friends are all dying. The common denominator here is me. It's my fault.

"You're the one that got my baby Heather into trouble?" She asked. No way Heather is the favourite child.

"Nope, different guy," I told her, turning around and prepared to leave. But I felt a burning hand going on my shoulder. Why is it like an actual heat pack?

"Now just wait a minute..." She hissed behind me, "Where do you think you're going?"

The first time here was a lot easier.

It's okay because luckily, I was wearing a jacket. So if she gripped my shoulder, I could still run away and only the jacket would be taken.

"Don't even try to run away," She added.

Well fuck, now what?

Did she killed Hudson already? That's not good. He can't die yet. Non non non, think happy thoughts.

I literally just got my cast taken off last week, I can't just get into another injury again. Why did I voluntarily walked into a slaughterhouse?

"Tell me, did you get Heather is trouble?" She asked again. The heat from her hand is burning through and I can feel it.


The weird voice in my head is screaming what I can't utter out.

"ANSWER ME!" She yelled. I can feel her favourite child lurking around somewhere.

You know, now I get where Heather gets her madness from.

I tried to pull away, tugging my shoulder but then she grabbed onto my wrist. Her fingers dug into my skin, right through my jacket. Must be some sharp nails, I think I got cuts from it.

Hmm, I could still run now, he finger would be caught in the cloth of the jacket. That's what I'm gonna do.

With all bits of energy I have left for the day, I pulled away hard, leaving a long scratch down my hands. My jacket got stuck with her, as expected, and I ran down the driveway. I hope I don't get a reminder of how bad my athletic skills are at this moment.

Before I could even reach the end, Heather appeared out of no where in front of me. "Going somewhere? You really ruined my life you know that?" She shoved me and I stumbled back.

Thank gods it's gonna be a brown Christmas this year, barely any snow or ice on the ground.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It's doing that a lot lately. The ringtone filled the air as I dodged a swing from her. All those time standing in the back corner dodging dodge-ball finally paid off.

It was Hudson, and since I can't call normally, I put it on speaker.


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now