62 - April

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"HOW ARE WE STUCK WITH THIS DEMON THING?" Dorothy screamed, pointing at Princess.

Because he got taken to the vet, so did the 5 ghosts that are attached with him. I just went along because I felt like it. They are my friends, so I guess I should help them.

"You're still glowing too!" Dorothy said to me, gesturing my body. Yes I am glowing up. I'm so cool like that.

The vet isn't here yet, so we're just waiting with Princess.

"Why do you think you can now pass on?" Cassius asked, "What was your unfinished task?"

"I.. don't know... I guess I really wanted to feel like I matter," I said, thinking about it, "But obviously you guys didn't do that."

They all looked down, "Sorry....."

I sighed, "Anyway, I'm not leaving until you guys do. First, let's get you off of Princess."

"PRINCESS?" Bob exclaimed, "THAT IS A DEVIL!" Princess hissed at him.

"It's also greatly restricting our power," Pauline said, giving Princess a side-eye.

"Ehhh he's not gonna do anything," I reassured them, petting him as he tries to claws me, "Just a silly cat."

The animal doctor stepped out from his office and took a look at us, "Princess? You're up."

Gael's mom took Princess and Carla in, as we followed. The room was white with metal cabinets and trolleys filled with medical equipment. The doctor put on a pair of latex gloves and sat on his wheeled stool, rolling at us.

"I'm Dr. White, what seem to be the problem?" He asked as he checked his clipboard, "Acting strange since the weekend?" Why did he asked if he already knew?

Also... White? As in Karen White? WHAT? I bet my 10 cents his name is Dyck.

"Dyck White?" The mom looked at his name tag.

"That is correct." See how smart I am?

"Weird and familiar name..." She mumbled, cradling the baby.

"I have a lot of relatives with the same name..." He mumbled, checking Princess.

"The dalaketnon is strong in this one..." Bob assessed.

I looked at him, "The what now?"

"It's a creature that clones itself perfectly. I mean look at his family photo!" Dorothy explained, pointing at a framed picture on a cabinet. "All the women look the same and the men look the same! They never mated, they found each other and clone themselves, pretending to have mated!"

Where are they coming up with these? She's not wrong though, they are kind of identical copies of each other.

"So they... asexually reproduce?" I said. Like bacteria? Or those lizard that only have female?

"Yeah. Just not strong enough to do it all the time. Human now only possess little trait, none magical ones," Pauline told me.

I had the urge to search up what this creature look like to see what they were thinking when they decided to fuck a human.

"He's acting like a little devil more than usual!" Gael's mom told Dr. White. Princess bit him but got on the blue latex instead.

"Well he did missed a lot of his vaccination dates..." He mumbled, pulling out some needles from the trolley.

"Yare yare- I mean- Good grief I forgot about them," She exclaimed. She definitely watches anime in her free time. "Yeah, he could have them now."

Us ghost turned away as the doctor gave Princess his vaccines that had been pilling up from over the year.

If he could talk, he would probably say:






The ghosts got detached from the cat and they looked at themselves, smiling. They all started to cheer and shout.

"Alright, now I'm helping you guys pass on!" I declared, turning to Kira. She had been quiet this whole time, "You're first, what else do you remember from your past life?"


Unfortunately, being ancient ghosts, it's kind of impossible to achieve their unfinished task/true desire.

I mean...

Kira really wanted to marry a rich man and inherit his half, BUT SHE'S LIKE 8 OR 9 AT MOST THATS ILLEGAL

Dorothy tried to help the other girls that are kidnapped with her, but obviously, they all died- and that was her unfinished quest. So she can't.

Pauline wants watch her kid grow old. Frankly, they're not old anymore. They're dead.

Bob doesn't have a purpose in life. He's just there, I can't help him.

And Cassius was hoping to kill the emperor to take over the empire. Unfortunately, the king is like long dead by now considering he's from the Roman Empire.

"I don't know guys, we kind of can't do that because you're all ancient and technically speaking, older than me," I told them. The gang groaned and sighed.

We were on top of my old house, watching the sun. It's moving down, as sunset happens earlier now due to the winter. So calm.

"So you can't help?" Kira said, looking down sadly. She's too young to be a ghost.

"I mean I can but-" I started but then something slammed into me and I fell flat on the roof. "OW!" Rubbing my head, I looked up.

"Found you now ghost...." The person said, pointing a vacuum at me. They turned on the switch.

"Heather?" I asked. I noticed that my gang was already inside the machine, desperately banging on the container to get out. What type of container prevents ghosts from moving through it?



I suddenly remembered that earlier in the book, the Pick-Mes were supposed to go and catch the ghosts. They wanted the fame of being in possession of a ghost.

The air started to suck me inside the machine quickly, next thing I knew, I was squished inside a small container with 5 other ghosts.

"Well, let's see how much money I could make off of you guys," Karen said, holding us up. Then she suddenly giggled to herself, "This is so not like other girls." This is not like anyone at all.

She jumped off the roof and did a rolling land, running away down the side walk with a vacuum over her shoulder.

Since when did she get so strong and powerful?



am considering putting karen as another antagonist rather than an anti hero, however, heather will make a reappearance soon


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now