Gael and April - Thank Yous and What The F-

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This chapter, I want to dedicate it to amazing people who is a reason why I keep writing. I remember my first commenter urging me to keep going (unfortunately their account got deactivated but they will still be in here)

y'all will be making a cameo on this chapter -but be prepared, stuff might happen

And also, since this book is a bunch of bs, I decided to add more to gael and april love life cause why no, its a bunch of bs. So ofc its randomly happening with no mention of it before

This chapter was inspired by The Good Doctor Season 5 Episode 14 Potluck and Big Fun from Heathers the Musical. I had been getting a lot of inspo lately from other books and shows

This chapter will also be longer than usual



Summer is fun for like 3 days, then it gets boring.

My friends wanted to meet up somewhere in the park. And it look like they have something important to tell me. So I went along with it anyway.

And there's also some party that Karen is throwing, we're all invited.

I would've go, but April really wanna see Heather, and I don't know what I owned her but then all of the sudden, we're going. Why? Because Harry somehow got an invite and we're going.

And of course, we'll have to stay away from the substance or whatever. I've tasted wine in cooking before, so I would know what to avoid.

In the morning, I went to the park to meet up with Nolan and Francis. Nolan had a straight expression on his face, I couldn't tell what he's thinking. Francis looked kind of nervous.

"What's up?" I asked carefully to not triggering something.

They both looked at me, and Francis gave a nervous smile

"Nothing much. We thought this is news to break in person rather than through text so," he started, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"I think they killed someone without you," April whispered, "the audacity." That would be bad, they would really be testing our loyalty as a group in this one.

But no way Francis the over worrier of the group here would let us.

"We're dating now. Okay? Boyfriends," Nolan jumped in , "Cool?" I don't really see that happening. Probably breaking up before the year end, and then craps will go down...

I had missed too much because of the British, that my friends managed to pull each other over a span of what? 2 weeks? And a half?

"Oh good cause I wasn't sure if you're cool with it and like now you have to third wheel and everything. Well not really, cause you have Heather, we can go on double dates," Francis said.

"Oh no. That was like fake dating, I don't know why," I shrugged, "Heather's a creep."

I mean. I don't know what to do with the news. Am I happy for them? Yes. Am I also mad at them? Yes.

If you found out your friends is dating each other, what are you gonna do? Try a break them up?


Karen's party is her birthday party. And even though I don't want to go, April made me. and now Harry really wanna go. So I'm basically just there to babysit April and Harry. Yay life. Maybe I'll get a shot at pushing Karen into the birthday cake.

Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora