19 | NOW

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I'm still at the poker table, staring at the spot where Yves had been sitting just moments ago. The tension he left behind is palpable, lingering in the air like the scent of his expensive cologne. I keep my composure, a soft smile playing on my lips as I gather my winnings.

As the men around me chatter and fawn, I slip into a private reverie. Yves is a formidable adversary, and the little showdown we just had only confirmed that. He's right—this isn't over. It's just beginning.

I excuse myself from the table, gracefully navigating the opulent casino floor. I feel their eyes on me, not just the men, but everyone. Power commands attention, and tonight, I've made it clear who holds it.

In the plush, dimly lit hallway leading to the VIP lounge, I spot my confidante, Liliana, waiting for me. Her dark hair is styled in an elegant chignon, and her eyes, lined with kohl, are sharp with anticipation.

"Well?" she asks as soon as I'm within earshot.

"He's rattled," I reply, my voice steady. "But he won't go down easily. We need to move faster, cover our tracks better."

Liliana nods, her expression serious. "What's the next step?"

"We need to secure the shipyards completely. His first move will be to cut off our funding. We can't let him."

"Already ahead of you," she says, handing me a sleek tablet. "I've arranged meetings with alternative financiers. Offshore accounts, under-the-table deals. We'll have the money we need, but it won't be easy."

I scan the screen, absorbing the details. "Good. And we need to bolster our defenses. Yves will try to turn the mercenaries against us. We have to make sure their loyalty remains with us."

Liliana smirks. "I've got a few ideas. Loyalty can be bought, but fear and respect can hold it in place."

I nod, pleased with her initiative. "Perfect. And we need to sway the locals even more. Promise them what Yves can't deliver. Stability, prosperity—whatever it takes."

As we walk, we reach my private office. I open the door, and the familiar sight of my organized chaos greets me. Papers, maps, and dossiers are strewn across the large mahogany desk. I sit down, the weight of the coming battle settling on my shoulders.

"Send a message to our PR team," I instruct Liliana. "I want a statement released by morning. Make it clear that the shipyards are under new, more competent management. Emphasize how this benefits everyone."

She nods and leaves the room to make the necessary calls. I take a deep breath, looking out of the window at the city lights twinkling in the distance. Alexandria is a jewel, and I'm not about to let Yves tarnish it.

My phone buzzes, and I glance at the screen. It's a message from one of my informants inside Yves' camp. He's planning to disrupt my supply lines and is already moving to buy out my bankers.

I smile, a cold, calculating smile. Yves thinks he can outmaneuver me. But I've learned from the best—my father. He taught me to be ruthless, to anticipate every move before it's made.

I dial a number, and when the voice on the other end answers, I don't waste time on pleasantries. "Baker, it's Summer. I need you to move our funds to the secure accounts we discussed. And be discreet. The Lukacs are already making their play."

"Understood, Ms. Van Doren," Baker replies, his tone crisp.

Hanging up, I stand and walk to the large map pinned on the wall. Pins and strings connect various points—our assets, our allies, and our enemies. I trace a line from the shipyards to the city center, contemplating my next move.

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