14 | THEN

136 19 21

12 years ago

The summer heat lay heavy over the Van Doren estate, casting a golden haze over the sprawling gardens and neatly trimmed hedges. It had been a while since the unsettling garden party, and although the events of that day had faded into the background of everyday life, the undercurrent of tension remained.

I was sitting on the porch swing, absentmindedly pushing myself back and forth with one foot, my mind wandering. The adults always seemed to be talking in hushed tones, their faces etched with worry whenever they thought I wasn't looking.

I missed the days when everything felt simple and carefree. When I felt like my parents didn't hide things from me.

"Summer! Come inside, my love," my mother called from the kitchen window. She always seemed more tense these days, her smile never quite reaching her eyes.

I hopped off the swing and walked inside, the cool air of the house a welcome relief from the heat. Mom was bustling around the kitchen, preparing lemonade.

"Can you help me set the table outside?" she asked, handing me a stack of plates and glasses.

"Sure, Mom," I replied, taking the items from her. As I worked, I couldn't help but think about Yves's father, Mr. Lukacs, and the strange warning he had given me. The memory of his intense gaze and cryptic words still sent shivers through my body.

After setting the table, I wandered back into the garden, finding a quiet spot under the large oak tree. I leaned against the trunk, watching the branches sway gently in the breeze. The solitude was comforting, allowing me to sort through the jumble of thoughts and questions that had been piling up over the past days.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice when Karma approached. She stood a few feet away, her arms crossed and her expression as cold and distant as ever.
Without a word, she crossed the short distance between us. Before I could react, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

Karma's hugs were rare but deeply soothing. She always seemed to know exactly when I needed one, even if I hadn't said a word. It was as if she could sense my sadness through some unspoken connection, her presence providing a solace that words never could.

Karma pulled back slightly, her arms still resting on my shoulders as she looked at me with concern. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice low and steady. "I can tell something's bothering you."

I sighed, feeling the weight of everything I'd been carrying around. "It's just... everything feels so mixed up now," I said, trying to find the right words. "There are things happening that I don't understand, and it's like everyone is keeping secrets."

Karma's expression softened, and she sat down next to me, her gaze never leaving mine. "What kind of secrets?"

I hesitated, unsure how much to share. "Do you remember Mr. Lukacs? Yves's dad?"

She nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I've seen him around. What about him?"

I took a deep breath, the memory of that unsettling garden party resurfacing. "Last week, during one of our garden parties, Mr. Lukacs said some really strange things to me. He implied that there were things happening that I wouldn't understand, and that knowing too much could be dangerous."

Karma's eyes widened, and she listened intently. "What kind of things?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted, my voice trembling slightly. "But I overheard my parents talking about him, and they seemed really worried. They said he's involved in something dangerous. And Yves... Yves said his father does things to protect their family, from enemies they didn't know they had."

SUMMER FEVEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora