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I process the taxi driver's words. "Very true."

Returning to Alexandria after five long years feels like stepping back into a nightmare I've fought so hard to escape. But perhaps this is the first step to heal from things I've ran from for far too long.

The familiar sights and sounds of the island claw at my senses, dragging me back into a past I've tried to forget. But despite my best efforts, the call from my bloodline remains impossible to ignore.

The taxi ride feels like a journey through time, each landmark pulling me deeper into the depths of nostalgia. North Alexandria unfolds before my eyes, a patchwork of familiar sights and forgotten memories.
As the taxi winds its way through the streets, I gaze out the window, watching as the salty sea air dances through the cracks. My stomach churns with suspense. It's been a long time since I last set foot here, and it surely feels like a lifetime ago.

The passing manors add to the melancholic beauty of the island. Elegant Victorian facades stand side by side with charming cottages, each telling a story of its own. Ivy climbs the weathered walls, while colorful flower beds spill onto the cobblestone paths.

The driver steals a glance at me through the rearview mirror, his eyes silently questioning. "The helicopter ride went fine, Ms Van Doren?"

"Yeah, sure." I offer a tight-lipped smile in return, not ready to confront the emotions bubbling beneath the surface, not yet.

With each passing mile, west Alexandria draws closer, its welcoming embrace tinged with sore memories.

The house comes into view, its familiar silhouette haunting in the dim glow of the streetlights. As the taxi rolls to a stop, my heart skips a beat or two. As I approach the imposing gates of the Van Doren estate, a sense of foreboding washes over me. The sprawling mansion looms before me like a fortress, its darkened windows staring down at me with silent accusation.

But I can't afford to falter now, can I?

I hand the driver a crumpled bill, my gaze fixed on the looming facade of my childhood home. It stands silent and still, guarding every little secret of my past.

Stepping onto the pavement, deja vu washes over me. Alexandria welcomes me back with open arms, but beneath its tranquil facade lies the painful truth I've been running from for too long.

Far too long.

Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders and face the house head-on. It's time to confront the ghosts of my past and embrace the uncertain future that awaits me. With each determined step, I move closer to the threshold, ready to reclaim the life I've left behind. As I enter the grand foyer of the estate, memories flood my mind with every step. The opulent decor, the scent of polished wood and expensive perfume – it all feels so suffocating, like a gilded cage trapping me once again.

In the dimly lit foyer, shadows dance around me, whispering secrets of days long gone. I pause, my hand trembling slightly as it grazes the polished banister of the grand staircase. Memories of laughter and tears intertwine, creating a tapestry of emotions that threaten to overwhelm me.

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