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Lunch was as painful as ever.
I knew that Lupin had his eyes on me the entire time which meant there was no chance of escape so that i could avoid this expecting conversation that he wanted to force me into.

'How did he pick up on my pupils?!'

I slithered down as far as I could go in my seat at the lunch table, and I had my arms resting with my head down, refusing to eat with the worry of it coming back up again (this time not on purpose). 

Lupin wasn't the only one who was eyeing me with concern.
Hermione was sitting next to me, taking glances in my direction then back up at Harry and Ron the entire time.

The pain relief and wake up drug had now fully worn off, and the effects of this morning were even worse than before.

Because of the blood loss I was nearly falling asleep, and my leg throbbed like a pulse.

I didn't feel real. Like my body was there but i was just floating over it, watching everything that was happening. 

I feel detached. 

I was sure i was going to pass out. 

My head was swimming and i was lightheaded. 

The blood loss mixed with the lack of eating made things ten times worse. 

The blood was seeping through the bandage and i wouldn't be surprised if it had gotten through and onto my black tights. 

I squeeze my eyes shut and press my hand against my mouth, the feeling of nausea rising up in my throat, threatening to break out.  

"Are you alright Abby?" A fork gets placed onto a plate and i look up at the noise to see three sets of eyes looking at me and Ron continued, "your looking SUPER pale, do you want us to take you to the nurse, you look like your about to be sick." "n-no no" i choked out, voice hoarse, "I'm fine.. just going to go to the bathroom". I stood up weakly from the bench, placing a hand on on the table for support and attempted to walk. 

I stepped my injured leg in front first and it partly gave way. 

I fell down slightly and a gasp was heard from my side, Hermione quickly raised out of her chair, grabbing onto me and kneeling down. "whoa Abby" Both Harry and Ron were also now standing up and several eyes were on the scene displayed in front of everyone. 

Remus had also stood up out of his seat and was now walking towards us. 

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at Hermione, searching for answers, she just shook her head and shrugged in response. 

He gently placed a hand on my back and helped me back up onto my feet.

"You three finish your lunch, I'll sort out Abby.. Don't worry". 

He brought his hand over to my waist to support me and we walked out of the great hall, all eyes still pointed in our direction. 

After what felt like ages walking and my head lolling to the side, barely able to keep my eyes open, we finally reached the doors of his room. 

With his spare hand, he opened the door, directed us both inside and closed it behind him. 

Then he helped me towards the couch and i sat down. 

He then took a seat right in front of me, clasping his hands together before him. Concern was written in his eyes and his eyebrows were knit together. 

"Abby, what is going on, are you okay" He placed a careful hand on my leg but quickly withdrew when he felt something damp. 

He looked down at his hand, turning it over to see some sort of red liquid on his palm. 

I'll look after you                         *Remus lupin comfort ficWhere stories live. Discover now