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Remus POV

The door to the Gryffindor common is shut quickly after Abby frantically goes inside. 

I stayed standing outside the door, aghast and then i turn my attention back to my hand and my eyebrows knit together.  'This must've been the blood i could smell when she walked back into class. ' I thought 'But why is there blood on her sleeve?'

'Maybe she had a nosebleed..' i shook the thought out of my head quickly, 'if she had a nosebleed, she wouldn't lie about it when i asked her if she had blood on her.. why did she lie?'

The question invaded my mind all the way through dinner and for the rest of the night. 

I was hoping that she would, by some surprise come down for dinner so i could speak to her, but she never came, which is what i suspected.

She doesn't have my class tomorrow so she will most likely be trying to avoid me. I must try and find her to try and convince her to actually speak to me. And with that finally thought, i got ready, and went to bed. 


Abby's POV 

After a restless night of nightmares, i awoke and remembrance of the events from the day prior flooded my head. 

The feeling of anxiety quickly rushed to my throat and chest. My throat began to close and i was struggling for breath.

I quickly got out from under my blanket and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing a glass cup i had on the side of my sink that i use to wash out my mouth, filled it half-way with water and downed the entire thing. 

Hands trembling, i place the glass cup back down and gripped the sides of the sink to steady myself, my knuckles starting to go white because of how tight my grip was. 

After standing there for a bit i bring my previously ducked head up to look at myself in the mirror. 

"what do it do" i audibly ask to myself, then i start looking around the room, in thought. 'what do i do' i repeated the question in my head. 

I start biting my nails and walked over to sit on the floor with my back against my bed. 

I bring my legs up, my knees against my chest and run my hands down my face. 

'How did i fuck up this majorly'

My thoughts stop dead in their tracks, however, when i thought of something. 'I could just say i had a simple nose bleed, and i accidentally got blood on my sleeve, that's a perfect excuse!' 

Letting out a breath i didn't realize i was holding, i sighed and stood back up, getting changed for the day. 

Now because i was much calmer about the whole situation then i would've been, i decided to head down and sit in the hall during breakfast. I didn't eat anything, but i did pick up an apple and put it into the pocket of my hoodie and then i took my book out my bag to read. 

I could  feel Lupins strong, direct stare at me but i never glanced at him once. Trying to hide the fact that i had a reason to be nervous about him flooding me with questions. 

After breakfast was over i decided that instead of trying to avoid him all day and look even more questionable then i already have, i thought it would be a good idea to go directly to him after he got up and left the hall to explain what happened. 

I waited outside the great hall for him to come out. 

I saw him exit, looking around then his eyes locked with mine and i walked over to him. 

I'll look after you                         *Remus lupin comfort ficWhere stories live. Discover now