keeping up the act p2

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I placed a bookmark into my book and turned over in my bed to glance at the alarm clock sitting beside my bed. 


I reluctantly slid myself out of my warm bed, my painted toes touching the cool flooring as i stepped over to my bathroom to brush my teeth. 

I looked into the mirror and what i saw back was unpleasant to say the least. 

My face was hollowed out. sunken in cheeks and i had massive under eye bags. 

Sighing, i placed the toothbrush back into its holder, spat into the sink and went to go shower. 

The water touching my skin pained me. My fresh cuts on my thigh stinging.

After i washed, left the shower and rewrapped my leg, i quickly shoved on a fresh pair of pajamas and went over to where my makeup was. 

I applied mascara, a little bit of eyeliner and filled in my eyebrows slightly. I then lined my lips with a soft pink lip liner and applied some cherry flavored lip gloss on over it. 

I'm going to try and act like everything is completely normal to get Lupin off my back, and the best way to do that is to wear makeup. 

Normally I'm not too bothered about going to classes with little to no makeup on, i always liked to make an effort for myself but it didn't phase me either way. However now, i look horrid without it. So this is what it must be like from now on, especially if i was to keep up with this act. 

After i had finished my makeup i went to look back at the time. 


Breakfast starts in 15 minutes. 

I would much prefer not to go to breakfast. I hadn't eaten a proper meal in ages and i didn't feel hungry. The mere thought of food repulsed me. But if i didn't turn up to breakfast and eat something, Lupin would surely have something to say to me, and i need to prove to him that nothing is going on and I'm fine. 

With that in mind, i went over to my wardrobe, grabbed out a fresh set of my uniform, with tights rather then socks because of my recent infliction of wounds, and slowly put them on. Maybe if i take long enough putting on my robes, breakfast would be nearing to an end i will only have time to grab something quick. Lupin cant blame me for that. 

I finally finished getting ready, put my shoes on, grabbed my bag and wand, making sure to put my book into my bag and then left my room. 

Everyone was already in the hall having breakfast, bar one person. Hermione. 

I saw her sitting at the edge of the arm of the couch, book in hand, wand tucked behind her ear, flicking the pages of her book frantically. 

I always admired how she could get so sucked into something that the rest of the world became secondary characters. This i felt was why me and her got on so well. we were both alike in this aspect. 

i step down the last step of the staircase slowly and tucked my wand into my robe pocket. 

"uh, hi?" i said uneasily, wringing my hands together nervously. "Abby hi!" she closed her book and walked over to me. "I though I'd wait for you and we could walk down to breakfast together?" "oh.. i wish i would've known, breakfast is nearly over.." a pang of guilt hit me like a gun shot. "nah its ok!" she said enthusiastically, "I'm not that hungry anyways, thought I'd just grab an apple or something" she crossed her arms over her chest and smiled, "Harry and Ron was waiting here too but you know how Ron is with his food.." she trailed of laughing slightly under her breath. "hahaha yeah i do" she motioned towards the door and started walking, "lets go then!" smiling and looking back at me as she saw me follow behind her. 

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