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After downing an entire glass of water from Lupins kitchen, i swiftly fell asleep on his large sofa. 

I was still in my clothes and a full face of makeup from the previous night when i woke up the next morning, head bounding, the feeling of nausea hit me like a brick. 

I rushed up from where i was lying and quickly made my way over to his bathroom, emptying what was now just stomach acid into the toilet bowl. 

After sitting down on the floor for a few minutes i stood back up to face myself in the mirror hanging over the sink. My hair was disastrous, like a rats nest piled on my head and most of the makeup i wore had melted off, the remains of red lipstick staining my lips. 

I turned the sink on and cupped a pool of water in my hands, then splashed it in my face. 

I repeated this notion a couple of times then looked back in the mirror. 

Most of what remained of the makeup has been washed off by the water and i grabbed some tissues from a box on the side and wiped my face with them. 

After just standing looking at my reflection for a while, i suddenly realized how little amount of clothes i was wearing. I also realized how much these clothes hung off me which Lupin must have picked up on when he saw me last night. 

The eye bags that settled on my face where much more prominent in the light, even more noticeable without the makeup on to cover them. 

I attempted to run my hands through my hair to smooth it out as much as possible then i grabbed an elastic from my wrist and tied my hair up into a messy bun. 

The anxieties that had disappeared because of the drugs had returned this morning, ten times worse then it usually was. 

I let out a shaky laugh and sigh then ran my hands over my face. i sobbed quietly into them  as i struggled for breath. 

'I had to get out of here, i had to get out of here before Lupin woke up'. 

I collected myself and wiped the tears that stained my face. Then i opened the door to the bathroom, walked across to the main door and left. 

I didn't know what time it was but it was a weekend so i was hoping it was early enough that no one would be awake. 

I jogged down the corridor, trying to get to my destination as soon as possible. 

Eventually reaching the fat lady's portrait, i quietly said the password and snuck inside. 

The common room was sparse except for the few stragglers that had fell asleep in there the night before. 

I tiptoed up the stairs and into my own room then closed the door. 

Thankfully no one was in there, i chucked my cigarettes and lighter down on my bed and went over to put my sweater and lounge pants on. Then i went over to my bathroom, grabbed my own face wash and cleaned my face properly. After i had finished, i used a hand towel to dry my face, brushed my teeth, including guzzling a bunch of mouth wash to get the taste of vodka and lemonade out my mouth and grabbed my brush from the side of the sink. 

It took me about half an hour to fully brush out all the knots and tangles. I placed the brush down on my dresser and plaited my hair. 

My plan was to stay in my bedroom the entire weekend. 

I could just excuse my miss of meals for me being ill after the party, which to be fair i still felt the sickening after effects of. 

How would i explain last night to Lupin?

I'll look after you                         *Remus lupin comfort ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें