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Remus POV:

I stood at the end of the young witches bed, arms crossed over my chest with madam pomfrey by my side. 

"I've managed to stop the bleeding on both of the deep cuts that was made and I've bandaged up her arm but she's going to need some serious healing on her other wounds" she said sadly, "the scars will hopefully fade naturally but above that, there's nothing else i can do" 

Remus eyed Abby in worry and nodded his head to Madam Pomfreys words. 

"There's something else, well two more things" this caught Lupins attention as he turned around to face Pomfrey. "well firstly, she looks quite malnourished, do you happen to know when she last ate by any chance?" Remus frown deepened "no, well not when she last ate properly." he replied, "she took a single bite out of an apple when she was in my room but I'm sure that was just to appease me, above that, its been a while since i last saw her come down to the hall and eat a proper meal" 

The healer nodded in response to this and began to speak again in a quiter voice as not to let the sleeping child hear, "it also looks as though she has a glamour charm on, so there could be more damage then she is letting on hiding beneath the magic of the charm, this will need seeing too if that's the case, as soon as possible." 

Remus sighed and wringed his hands together. "I see, and there's no way that this glamour charm can be taken off now so that we can see the extent of the damage?" he questioned but she just shook her head, "it can only be taken off by the person who put it on, which means we have to find a way to convince her to take it off herself" "that is going to prove to be very difficult I'm sure" 

Remus had managed to get to the bathroom just in time to save Abby he was told by madam pomfrey. 

He ran after her from his room and hesitantly into the bathrooms, but after he remembered what she had shown him, all hesitation disappeared as he ran in and to the only occupied stall. 

He sternly knocked on the stall calling her name, every knock becoming even more strained and louder at her lack of response and he had started banging on the stall door asking her to open it and let him in when he noticed there was blood now pooling near his feet coming from inside the stall. 

After that he took his wand out and forcefully let himself into the stall, freezing slightly when seeing the state in front of him. 

Abby was laying limply on the floor, barely breathing, blood streaming from her arm and a piece of glass next to her. 

With no second thought, he grabbed Abby and her things from the floor (including the piece of glass) and apparated himself and Abby to the infirmary, luckily finding only madam pomfrey pottering about. 

His senses were absolutely engulphed in the smell of blood, that was now all over him. 

He had a hand clamped over the open, gaping wounds on her arm and he laid her down on a bed as Pomfrey rushed over asking what had happened and Lupin explained a shorter story to her while she got to work on her wounds. 

"I also checked the glass for you" she said, bringing Lupin out of his daze, "seems to be from a mirror, but i checked the cuts for any infections and she didn't seem to have any, so that's certainly good news" 

She handed the piece of glass back to Lupin and walked away before returning with a glass tub. 

"this is a salve that needs to be applied on her cuts daily so that they can heal and so they don't get infected because the two most recent have had to have stiches so we need to make sure they stay clean" She placed the tub into Lupins hand and he nodded in response before she walked away leaving Lupin standing next to Abby's bed, waiting for her to eventually wake up. 

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