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a/n - i struggled writing this sm since idk how tf to comfort ppl...

The Angst arc


Venus: so yk how i used to have life?

Mars: wait u had life??

Venus: yeah i told u ages ago...

Mars: remind me abt it

Venus: well around 700 million years ago i used to have the conditions to sustain life

i was basically like earth but smaller

tbh i was more of a happier and friendlier person 

until clouds of carbon dioxide in my atmosphere made me have a really bad runaway green house effect

and then i lost everything

i lost my life, my happiness, my joy

then i started envying earth since he still had life

then i started getting anger issues

then i started started acting like a jerk to everyone

then i started to fucking hate myself more than ever

Mars: oh...

Venus: i just really miss having the chances of sustaining life

Mars: can i ask u something?

Venus: yea

Mars: why did u need to go 'somewhere'


JK 😆😆

Venus: well...

i still missed having water and lands and volcanos and stuff like that

then i started getting angry at myself for not being able to still be like earth

and then...

Mars: then what??

Venus: i wanted to kill myself

Mars: so how does earth know then...?

Venus: wait did earth seriously tell u

Mars: yeah

not my point tho

Venus: well since my phone died i used earths phone to search up how to...ykw... but then earth got his phone back and he saw my searches on google

a/n - heres the bit i  CRINGED at

Mars: but venus

i know probably cant get life anymore but that doesnt mean u have to do that

honestly its pretty hard and rare to even manage to get the conditions for creatures to live in so u should be proud that u got life

plus if u try ending urself think abt who you'd miss u

me, earth, jupiter. uranus 

pretty much everyone

Venus: thanks love

honestly i dont know what id do without u

Mars: btw im getting u therapy

Venus: why

Mars: .

Venus: oh

but how

Mars: mercury

apparently uranus earth and earths moon said it helpful

Venus: but me n mercury arent on good terms...

Mars: maybe you'll get along there?

Venus: okay...

Mars: oh and im coming to ur orbit so i can hang out w u❤️

Venus: alr



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