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After lunch was over Alura wanted to show Sam and Alex where her doll house was now. So the two aunts headed up the stairs after the young girl smiling at her. "And this is where it is. Mommy said I could have it in my room. Momma and I play here a lot when I'm not at school. She always plays with me." Alura cooed. "Does she?" Sam asked. "Yep." Alura replied with her infamous toothy smile. Alura went about playing with her doll house while Sam and Alex headed downstairs again.

"Alura still upstairs?" Lena asked. "Yea, she's playing with her doll house." Sam replied. "Yea she loves that thing. Ever since her birthday she's never stopped playing with it. She'll go to school, come home do her homework, then go up and play till dinner." Lena replied. "That's good though. How is school going?" Eliza asked. "Really well. We just had parents day a couple weeks ago. It was nice to meet the teacher and watching Alura play with her friends." Lena replied. "That's good. I'm glad you got to go to your first of many parents days." Eliza replied.

Kara sat down on the sofa next to Sam and began chatting. "So Alex and I are thinking about trying to get pregnant. We haven't made an appointment yet...because I wanted to talk to you about it first." Sam stated. "What would you like to talk about?" Kara asked. "Was it hard?" Sam asked. "Finding out I was pregnant was the hardest part about the whole thing. The pregnancy was really easy. The second hardest thing was her being a baby. But you'll have Alex for help, and all of us too. And if you get pregnant with a girl you'll have all of Alura's old clothes, and things too. The best thing is not to worry about it Sam. You'll be a great mom, so won't Alex. And Lena and I are only a flight away, and Eliza will be around too to help and offer advice." Kara explained. "Thanks Kar...you calmed all my nerves." Sam replied.

"What are ya talking about?" Lena asked. "Sam and Alex are planning to try to have a baby." Kara replied. "Oh that's exciting! You'll be a wonderful mom, Alex too. And we'll help with whatever you need." Lena stated. "That's what Kara just said. She calmed all my nerves." Sam said. "I'm glad I could help Sam." Kara replied. "When are you gonna start trying?" Lena asked. "After we get back home. We're gonna make an appointment when we get home after your wedding. I'm really excited." Sam said. "I'm excited for you." Lena replied.

"What about you two? Are you gonna try for a baby after your wedding?" Sam asked. "We're still in the talking process. Alura said she already want's a baby sister, however we're still talking about it." Lena replied. "Well maybe if you decide and get pregnant...we can be pregnant together Lee." Sam replied. "I'd like that." Lena replied with a smile. "Me too! Growing cousins together!!" Sam squealed.

After a little while everyone was in the living room drinking some wine while Alura remained upstairs playing with her dollhouse. "So where is my granddaughter?" Eliza asked. "Upstairs with her dollhouse. I'm sure if you call for her she'll come down." Kara replied. "I'll just go up and see her. I miss that little girl a lot." Eliza replied with a smile as she walked upstairs. "So you and Sam are considering having kids?" Lena asked Alex. "Yes...we're thinking about it. We've been doing some research in different doctors." Alex replied. "That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you." Kara squealed.

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