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The next afternoon everything that was remaining in the condo was packed up and moved onto a jet and on its way to Ireland. Now all that was left was their clothing, which were in suitcases and waiting by the door. "You ready?" Kara asked. "Yes. I'm ready for our next adventure!" Lena replied. "Me too momma!" Alura chimed in. "Alright! Let's head to the suv." Kara stated as they walked towards the elevator.

Maggie paced back and forth in front of the building waiting to see Kara before she left for good. She knew she messed up all those months ago, and she wanted to make amends before the woman she was in love with left with her new fiancé. The thought made her physically sick. Lena had won the woman, and the kid. Lena was gonna have the perfect family. Maybe she should just walk away...maybe she should just go home. 'NO! You came here to see her before you loose her permanently! You'll stay here and see her off!' Maggie shouted inside her head.

The black suv was waiting them when they got outside, the drive put the suitcases in the back and Lena buckled Alura into her car seat. "It's been an honor driving you all this time Miss Danvers. I will miss you now that you're going back to Ireland." Tom the driver said. "I will miss you too Tom, thank you for driving us around all this time. I really appreciate it. This is for you." Kara stated as she handed him an envelope. "Please open it after we're on the jet." Kara added with a smile. "Of course Miss Danvers. Uh...not to speak out of school but someone is watching you and it's not your fiancé." Tom stated.

Kara turned around to see Maggie standing a few feet away from them. "I have nothing to say to her. Let's get going Tom. Lee is she buckled in?" Kara asked. "Yes love, our daughter is all set." Lena replied loud enough so Maggie could hear it. "Good let's get going." Kara replied as she got into the backseat. Maggie watched with tears streaming down her face as Kara left for the airport. She turned on her heels and got on her bike and sped off down the street. Tears continued falling from her face as she continued speeding down the road.

The ride to the private airport was short but filled with anticipation of whats to come. "Here we are ladies! Have a safe flight! Alura be a good girl!" Tom called as he finished unloading the suv. "Bye Tom!" Alura called out as they walked onto the jet. As soon as everyone was out of sight Tom opened the envelope to see that it was full of cash and a note. "This is for your children's college funds and a little something so you and your wonderful wife can take a long awaited vacation. Have fun Tom...I'll miss you...Kara" Tom read the note twice as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I'll miss you too Kara..." He cooed as he drove off once again.

Alura was seated between her two moms on the jet while they prepared for take off. "Go ahead and sleep sweetheart." Kara whispered. Alura curled up in her seat and lay her head on Lena's lap and quickly fell asleep as the jet evened out in the air. "What did she want?" Lena asked. "I don't know. Nor do I care." Kara replied. "Are you happy love?" Lena asked. "Yes darling! I am very happy. I've got everything I wanted with the woman I've love since the first time I met her." Kara replied. They shared a kiss before they got up, picking up Alura and walking back to the bedroom in the back of the jet.

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