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"So are you gonna stay the night or go back?" Kara asked. "I can stay, if you want me to. I'll be here tomorrow to spend time with you and Alura and all the other moms and kids." Lena replied. "Ok..how about..you just.." Kara paused for a moment. "What is it Kara?" Lena asked. "Uh....I was just thinking..." Kara replied. "What darling..." Lena asked. "Uh....whouldyouliketomoveinwithusbecasueitwouldbeaiserrtobeasceondmomthisway.." Kara rambled. "What? This time in English please love?" Lena replied. Kara took in a deep breath before responding. "I was gonna ask you if you'd like to just move in here with us. That way you'll get used to our routine so when we return to Ireland you wouldn't be caught off guard. And...this way you and I could wake up in the same bed together everyday." Kara explained. Lena was taken back by the question. "Do you have closet space enough for all my things?" Lena asked.

"Of course I do...I...is that your way of agreeing to move in?" Kara asked. Lena just chuckled and nodded her head. "Oh ok! I guess we can move you in this week then. But you should tell Alura in the morning though, she'll love to hear it from you." Kara replied with a smile. "Ok..well I'm gonna go get a couple bags of clothes for this week and then we can move everything else in later this week." Lena replied as she stood and headed to the door. "I'll be here waiting for you." Kara replied.

A few minutes later Lena came back with two bags of clothes in them. "Honey! I'm home!" Lena called out as she walked back into Kara's condo. "You're such a dingbat but I love you." Kara replied with a smile. "Come on let's go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow and I have some Irish moms to upset." Lena replied. "Oh they're gonna absolutely loose their minds when they hear Alura call you mommy." Kara replied with a smile.

After putting Lena's clothes away the woman began their nightly routine together. The first of every nightly routine they'd share together from here on out. "So how much more do you have to do with Cat Co before you go back to Ireland?" Lena asked as they lay in bed together. "Just to finish improving the working conditions in the lower levels. And make a new rule that expecting mothers and their partners are to get the same amount of time off for maternity leave. So it's fair for straight couple and same sex couples." Kara explained.

"That's a wonderful idea Kara. I know you can get that to go through. And I'll back you a hundred percent. I've been thinking of doing the same thing at L Corp. I think it would be good press to see two strong lesbian CEO's standing up for maternity leave rights for all families." Lena replied. "And it would make headlines since you and I are in a same sex relationship, especially now that you'll be living with me and my child." Kara replied. "So what will you do when you're back in Ireland?" Lena asked. "Probably go back to my normal daily life. Just with you by my side now. Nothing much will change though. Now let's get some sleep, you'll need to be well rested to fend off all the other single moms." Kara teased as she pulled Lena to her chest and began running a hand in her hair.

In the morning Kara woke up first but continued to lay in the bed and watch Lena sleep. It made her heart smile to see the woman she loved asleep beside her. However the moment didn't last long because Alura came tiptoeing into the room. "Mommy? Is momma asleep still?" Alura whispered. "Yes darling, come let's go get you some breakfast shall we?" Kara asked as she headed to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. "What would you like Alura?" Kara asked. "Hmm can we have fruit bowls and sticky buns?" Alura asked. "Of course sweetheart!" Kara set to work making the sticky buns while Alura went and turned on the television to watch cartoons.

Half way through making the sticky bun frosting Lena came out of the bedroom. "Good morning!" She exclaimed with a yawn. "Good morning beautiful!" Kara replied with a smile. "What are you making? It smells good!" Lena stated. "Sticky bun frosting. Said sticky buns are in the oven right now, Alura's watching cartoons. And now that this is made I'm gonna begin cutting up fruit, any requests?" Kara asked. "Whatever you make will be perfect love, I think I'm gonna go spend some time with Alura maybe have that talk with her." Lena replied with a smile. Kara nodded and began washing the fruit off.

"Hey there sweetie! Did you sleep well?" Lena asked as she took a seat next to the little girl. "Yes I did! Did you sleep well momma?" Alura asked. "I did...I've got something I'd like to ask you if that's ok?" Lena replied. "Ok." Alura replied. "Last night mommy and I were talking after you went to bed. And mommy asked if I'd like move in with you two, but before I said yes I thought I'd..." Lena was cut off by Alura jumping into her arms. "Yesss! Momma you can live with me! I love it!" Alura squealed. "Ok darling! Shall we go see how mommy's coming with breakfast?" Lena replied as she picked her up in her arms and walked to the kitchen.

Kara was just finishing up plating the sticky buns. "Hey you two! Did you have a good talk?" Kara asked. "Momma is gonna live with us mommy!" Alura squealed. "Are you excited?" Kara asked. "Yes!" Alura replied as she sat next to Lena at the table. "Good! I'm excited too!" Kara replies as she puts the food in front of everyone before sitting down herself. "This is really good mommy!" Alura states as she bites into her sticky bun. "I'm glad you like it." Kara replied.

After breakfast Lena took Alura to her ready while Kara did the dishes up.

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