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In the morning Lena woke up with strong arms around her waist. A smile appeared on her face as the sunlight flooded through the bedroom window. Suddenly she felt butterfly kisses on her neck. "Good morning..." Lena whispered. "Good morning Lee.." Kara whispered in response. "What time does Alura's birthday party start?" Lena asked as he turned around. "Noon...so we should probably getup and get dressed..." Kara whispered as they sat up in the bed. "So...last night..." Lena said. "Yes..." Kara replied. "What are we now?" Lena asked. "Well...Miss Luthor...we could either go back to being friends or you could go to my daughter's birthday party as my girlfriend...the choice is yours." Kara replied.

Lena didn't respond instead she pulled Kara back into a kiss before speaking. "Girlfriend it is." Lena replied with a smile. "Good. Now let's go shower and get dressed." Kara replied as they headed to the bathroom together. A few minutes later they were getting dressed when Lena noticed that Kara had a bag she had clothes in. "You stashed a bag of clothes in my place?" Lena asked. "Of course...I did it the other night." Kara replied with a smile. "Sneaker supergirl!" Lena replied.

Now dressed they headed next door. "I'm home!" Kara called as she entered her condo. "MOMMY!" Alura squealed as she came running towards the door. "Alura!" Kara replied as she scooped her up into her arms. "Auntie Lena!" Alura exclaimed as she jumped into the dark haired woman's arms. "Hello darling! Did you have a good time with grandma?" Lena asked. "Yes! How was the party?" Alura asked. "It was quite boring!" Lena replied. "Was there pizza?" Alura asked. "No...no pizza there..." Lena replied. "Oh...Grandma and I had chicken last night because she said we'll be having pizza today!" Alura replied. "That's right you will have pizza today!" Lena replied with a smile.

"Alura...why don't you go with grandma and get dressed for your party ok? While Lena and I begin setting stuff up." Kara stated. "Ok mommy!" Alura replied with a smile. "Have a good night girls?" Eliza asked smiling at them. "Yes we did!" Lena and Kara said together with smiles on their faces. "Good. The decorations are over there, oh and her friends will be arriving at eleven thirty." Eliza replied. 

Kara and Lena began decorating the condo living room while Eliza got Alura ready. Half way through decorating Alex and Sam showed up to help. "Sooo?" Alex asked. "What? Lena asked. "Did you? Or didn't you?" Sam asked. The blushes that crept up Lena and Kara's faces were enough proof. "You owe me twenty bucks darling!" Alex exclaimed happily. "Of course! You couldn't wait a week?" Sam grumbled. "It just happened!" Lena replied with a smirk as Kara wrapped an arm around her.

"It's about time!" Eliza exclaimed as she came out to the living room. "Mommy? Whats going on?" Alura asked. Kara took Alura by the hand and walked out of the room so thy could speak alone. Kara bent down to get to eye level with her daughter before speaking. "Last night..mommy asked Lena to be her girlfriend. Do you know what that means?" Kara asked. "You...you love each other?" Alura asked. "Yes! That's right. But there's more...it also means that Lena's gonna be spending more time with us, and she'll be coming back to Ireland when mommy's done here. Would you like that?" Kara asked. Alura looked up with a puzzled look on her face.

There was a long silence between them before the young girl spoke. "So...Lena would be living with us? Is she gonna be my other mommy?" Alura asked. "Ummm she'll be living with us definitely darling...but..." Kara paused to shut her bedroom door before continuing. "Would you like Lena to become your other mommy one day?" Kara asked. "Yes mommy! Lena likes to play games with me! I love Lena mommy!" Kara pulled her into a hug. "Well I love Lena too darling. Maybe one day she'll be your new mommy one day. Come on let's go see how your birthday decorations are coming." Kara replied with a smile.

They returned to the living room where Alura ran to Lena and hugged her. "Whats this about darling?" Len asked. "Mommy said you're her girl friend! And that means you love each other!" Alura squealed. Lena was absolutely speechless by what the young girl said. "That's...true..." Lena stammered. "Now...let's get the rest of these decorations up shall we?" Kara asked gathering up everything. Using her super speed to finish decorating the room. "There! Finished!" Kara stated. "Mommy uses her fast speed for everything." Alura stated.

"Now...let's get the pizzas ordered and the cake made up then we can relax till everyone gets here." Alex stated.

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