47. A little romance and a little teasing

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" DCP sir is here, Dr. Prisha," I heard a teasing tone and whipped my head as Adi walked in with a smile plastered on his face. I raised a brow at him while he settled himself in the chair opposite mine.

"Very unprofessional Doc. You should at least ask the patient what his problem is," He dropped his hands on the table and rested his head against his bicep with a teasing smile plastered on his lips as he rolled the paperweight in his hands.

"Oh, I am sorry about it DCP sir. What is your problem, sir?" I played along picking up my stethoscope. He sat straight and made a serious expression as he played along and complained,

"I am suffering from sugar deficiency in my body." He husked in a seductive tone, his eyes fixed on me making it difficult for me to avert my eyes from him. I felt my lips quiver and my heart flutter under his intense gaze as he complained with a playful smile. 

"Do you want me to suggest some medicines?" His fingers touched mine over the table as he intertwined our fingers and pulled me closer making me lean onto the table. 

"The regular meds won't work on this disease. I need a special drug," His eyes moved down from my eyes and hovered over my lips and neck making me go red before his gaze turned back to my eyes. I raised a brow at him asking him to explain. He got up from the chair, rounded the table in a second, and stood in front of me, towering over me with his frame.

His face inched closer to mine and I could feel his hot breaths fanning my upper lip as he inched closer to me leaving an inch gap between our lips. My heartbeat quickened and I could feel goosebumps forming on my back as he cupped my cheek with his hand, his thumb caressing my lips as he whispered,

"You are my drug, Rabbit. Now can I get my dose?" He asked, his thumb caressing my lower lip. ?He pulled my lower lip with his thumb and forefinger and made me stand before placing me on the table, sliding the files away.

"We are in my cabin," I warned, fisting my hand over his collar as I tugged him more closer. My legs wrapped themselves around his thighs as he stood between them, his other hand caressing the side of my neck as he held my nape.

"I know," His lips touched my right cheek making my eyes flutter close and my free hand wrap around the back of his neck. 

"Anyone can walk in," I muttered again with quivering lips as his thumb caressed it. I am concerned about someone walking in on us kissing but a part of me, a larger one wanted him to kiss me senseless, right on my desk.

"Let them," His nose caressed mine as he moved to the other side and kissed my left cheek. 

"Ask me to stop and I will," He whispered against my ear and took it in his mouth making me gasp and clutch his shirt in a tighter grip. I could feel butterflies dancing in my stomach and every inch of my body reacting to his touch.

"Do you want me to stop, Prisha?" He asked, rubbing his cheek against mine, and a few strands of my hair got struck by his cheek due to his rough stubble.  His cheek against mine made me feel ticklish and a laugh erupted from my throat when he repeated his act.

"No," I finally breathed out as his hand moved down from my neck to my waist, he made me move back a little before caressing my thigh, dragging his fingers lazily over the fabric making me curl my toes. 

"No what, Rabbit?" He again husked as his fingers pulled my lower lip in a painful tug, making my lower lip touch against his. I curled my fingers in his hair as I felt him smile against my lip.

"I... I don't want you to stop," I managed to say between my shaky breathes. A low groan erupted from his throat as he tightened his grip on my jaw and made me pout before biting the pout making sensations run down my spine.

"I just felt like that," He said and latched his lips against mine, not giving me a chance to react or even think about something. His hands continued to draw patterns over my neck and thigh while mine were wrapped around him, pressing him against me as our lips danced in a symphony tasting each other.

"Can we kiss for a little longer? " He spoke into the kiss and plunged his tongue into my mouth as soon as I nodded in reply. I felt his hands moving to my back as he pulled me onto him and lifted me in his arms with my hands and legs wrapped around his torso. He sat on my chair without breaking our kiss and continued to devour my mouth.

He broke the kiss after a long time and my head fell onto his chest as I grabbed a few breaths, my hands clutching his shirt over his chest. He kissed my hair and kept caressing my hair until I became normal. I looked at him and found him already staring down at me.

"That was really breathtaking," I muttered, hiding my face in his neck as I hugged him, wrapping my hands around his shoulders. A lo0w chuckle escaped his throat as he hugged me back, kissing my temple.

"Let's go home? Your entertainment must be waiting for you," I heard him say against my neck and I nodded getting off his lap with a final kiss on his cheek. I adjusted my dress and packed all my belongings in my bag.

"Come," He grabbed my hand, intertwined our fingers, and picked up my bag in his other hand as we walked out locking the cabin behind us. We drove home, with our hands intertwined on his thigh and me singing along to the songs playing in the background making him glance at me with a soft smile from time to time.

"One day I will recreate the same scene in your office," I muttered to him and ran out before he could come up with a payback. I ran into my home and climbed the stairs to my room. I took a bath and changed into my comfortable clothes before tying my hair in a bun. I climbed down the stairs and noticed Mumma peeking up at me. I know their plan. I smirked internally and walked to her innocently.

"Prishu, shall we go to Aunty's home? She said she prepared some new recipe,"  Mumma tried to act normal and I nodded with a blank look while I was giggling inside. We went to Adi's home and it was Adi who opened the door. 

"Namasthe Aunty, Hi Prisha," He greeted us and took blessings from Mumma. He pinched my foot before standing straight making my mouth hang open. What is wrong with him today? He's getting too naughty. I glared at him but he just flickered my nose, wrapping a hand around Mumma's shoulder as he took her inside.

I followed them in and sat at my usual place. Aunty came out with a bowl after a while and placed it on the dining table. Adi sat against me and others too took their places. I opened the lid and found something that looked really odd.

"What is it, Aunty?" I managed to force a smile I glanced at the weird-looking dish once again before closing the lid. Did their plan also include making one of us sick to make us confess out of concern for each other or what?

"I just learned this new Oreo fried rice from the internet. Try it," she exclaimed making me want to puke. What the hell is Oreo fried rice? They made Oreo to eat as biscuits but people are making all the weird shit using them instead of eating them as they are.

"How did you even think of this dish Maa?" Adithya looked equally horrified as he glanced at the thankfully closed bowl and back at Aunty.

"Arey we needed a reason to bring Prisha here as soon as you come back and we found this dish when we opened the internet to search for ideas," Aunty blurted out as my mother was late to run to her and close her mouth. I looked at Adi and we both had an eye-talk and turned our gazes back to our mothers who looked like cats caught in the light.

"Why were you so desperate to see her that you made this weird dish, Maa?" Adi asked his mother who gulped looking at my mother waiting for her to cover up. Both of them looked at each other for a few seconds and turned to us with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, we got a proposal for you, Adi. I thought of seeking Prisha's opinion about the girl as they are of the same age," Aunty covered it up. Okay, time for a little fun.

"Sure, Aunty. Can we see her picture?" My question made their faces go pale as they looked at Adi who nodded his head supporting my statement. Firstly, they didn't expect us to act this cool and secondly they don't have any photo. How can they have a photo when the girl doesn't even exist?

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