Chapter - 165

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Somehow, I ended up going around with Kalian and Baron Delrond. I thought Sir Hiltine would be with us, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Diane was holding Baron Delrond's arm and walking briskly. But Baron Delrond's expression while following Diane was not very bright. He let out a deep sigh from time to time.

"Ver, don't you think that looks delicious?"

"Yes, but that doesn't look very hygienic."

Although stiff, he responded to every word Diane said.

"It's a big problem if you get an upset stomach from eating something like that. So, let's go to a hygienic restaurant and have a proper meal, Diane."

"Oh my, are you worried about me right now? I'm touched."

Diane clasped her hands together and looked at Baron Delrond with twinkles in her eyes.

A slight wrinkle appeared between Baron Delrond's forehead as he looked at Diane. He then signed and looked back at us. His eyes were like saying, 'Help me.' But Kalian mercilessly ignored him.

"Leila, this way."

He took me to the other side as if to prevent me from stepping up. As a result, Baron Delrond's sorrowful gaze pierced the back of my head.

Can we ignore him like this?

I kept looking back because I was bothered, but Kalian said firmly.

"Don't be bothered. He's not doing that because he doesn't like Viscount Andrian."

"So you're saying he likes her?"

It doesn't look that way though.

"He doesn't like her yet, but he's just bewildered. Ver's never met a woman who shows her affection so blatantly like her until now, you know?"

"Really? I thought Baron Derlond was popular with women. That's surprising."

"I'm surely more popular than Ver."


What did I just hear?

When I stopped in bewilderment at his sudden words, Kalian looked back at me.

"What? Do I not look like that?"

"No. I didn't mean it that way..."

"Your expression says so though."

Re, really?

I hurriedly looked at the store window to see what kind of expression I was making.

Soon, I saw a woman with a big red ribbon in her hair and a stupid look on her face.

"Ri, Ribbon...!"

Right, I'm wearing a ribbon headband!

The realization dawned on me, and I hurriedly took off my headband, blushing.

"Why are you taking that off?"

Kalian asked, his voice filled with laughter.

"That looked good on you, so just keep wearing that."

"'re joking too much."

"I'm not joking. That really suited you."

I always believed everything Kalian said, but this time, I couldn't. It's because there's no way this would suit me.

I clutched the ridiculous headband tightly. If it hadn't been from Diane, I would have thrown it away right away.

"By the way, I don't see Ver and Viscount Andrian."

I won't pick up the trash i threw away againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant