Chapter- 156

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"What a cold-hearted, wicked B*tch! How can you say something like that without remembering that I've raised you all this time!"

After being kicked out without getting what she wanted, Countess Thebesa pointed her finger at the Aster Mansion and shouted.

"That's why Duke Williot cheated on you! Because you're so cold-hearted, he turned to another woman!"

I don't think Mother is in a position to say that though.

Count Thebesa's womanizing was also famous in the social world.

It was funny hearing her saying that, and so, Andante smiled. Then, he remembered Leila, who boldly confronted him and his mother.

In his memory, Leila was a timid and obedient child. Because of it, he could play with her to his heart's content, but now, he didn't think he could do that anymore.

It was sad but also intriguing at the same time.

What made Leila change like that? They said position makes a person, is it because of that?

But, even if it was like that, Leila's change was too sudden. I don't think she was like that when she was still at the Duke of Williot a few months ago.

"I'm the crazy one to ask a b*tch like her! I must be out of my mind!"

Ah, I'm glad she realized it now.

Andante actually wasn't very willing to ask Leila. But he had no choice because Countess Thebesa insisted on doing so.

That's why it's hard to be a good son. Sometimes he envied his father and older brother, who could do what they wanted to do.

"Andante, let's go!"

As her anger subsided a little, Countess Thebesa held Andante's arm.

Andante was about to follow along but stopped when he found something.


His eyes widened instantly and soon became small again, drawing a fishy smile.

"What's wrong?"


Andante escorted Countess Thebesa with a friendly smile as if he never smiled like that.

"Let's go, Mother."

Before leaving the mansion entirely, Andante's eyes gleamed meaningfully as he glanced back in its direction.


With New Year's Day just a week away, foreign envoys arrived one after another.

I was so busy that I couldn't close my eyes. Even though it was the same when I worked on documents, dealing with people was very difficult.

"Why can't I see His Majesty?"

"His Majesty is out on another business now."

"Then tell me where he went. I'll go find him myself."

"For safety reasons, I cannot tell you that."

"What do you mean? Are you saying I'll do anything harm to His Majesty?!"

Munt's envoy shouted indignantly, but I responded calmly.

"Do people in Munt reveal His Majesty the King's location to others?"

Whether or not it was true, the Munt's envoy shut his mouth. The dissatisfaction that he showed was as deep as the wrinkles on his forehead.

"When His Majesty returns, I will tell him you wanted to see him. So please wait in the palace until then."

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