Chapter- 154

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As in most households, it was the role of the empress or empress (concubine), who was the emperor's wife, to prepare the emperor's clothes. But Kalian had no empress or empress (concubine), so he had to prepare it himself.

I knew he had prepared it himself at the last banquet.

Yet, he wanted me to help him choose?

"I understand."

I was a little surprised for him to ask for my advice when there should be an exclusive designer, but since it was not difficult, I gladly replied that I would.

"Let's go then."

As we entered the inner palace's drawing-room, the Imperial designers, who were waiting, politely greeted us.

"We see Your Majesty."

Kalian nodded indifferently and sat down on the sofa.

I was about to stand behind him, but Kalian tapped the seat next to him.

"It'll take a long time, so sit here instead of standing."

"It's okay."

"I'm not okay. So sit down."

I eventually sat down at his repeated words. Then, Kalian beckoned to the designers.

"Let's get started."

The Imperial designers showed design catalogs and fabrics to him and asked for his opinion.

"Leila, what do you think?"

Then, he asked me for my opinion.

"I think..."

I answered sincerely, recalling the style that was trending lately. I also helped Kalian choose the design and fabric.

"You are amazing."

The designer clapped his hands in great admiration.

"What a very discerning eye you have. Well, noble ladies originally are sensitive to fashion, but they don't know much about men's clothes, yet Baron Aster knows men's clothes well."

That's because I was in charge of Philen's clothes when I was at the Duke of Williot.

I could just leave everything to the designer, from choosing clothes, ordering them, and using them at the right time, but I didn't. It's because I wanted to show others that I was Philen's fiancée. I wanted to let everyone know that I worked this hard, so I tried to pick and take care of even the smallest things myself. was all in vain though.

A bitter smile came out as I recalled what happened at the Duke of Williot's residence.

"You praise me too much."

Swallowing the bitter smile, I replied brightly, and then Kalian said, covering the catalog he was looking at.

"It seems to me, too, that Leila, you have a better eye than the designer."

What the...

"Your Majesty!"

Kalian might have said it as a joke, but it could hurt the designer's feelings. That's why I was surprised and dissuaded him.

I then looked at the designer. Fortunately, he was smiling as if he wasn't offended.

"Seriously. If Baron Aster isn't Your Majesty's aide, I would like to invite her to work with me immediately."

"Oh my. I can't let it just pass."

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