Chapter 5

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Babe slowly opens his eyes after several hours, Way still besides him quickly jumps up noticing Babe wake. "Babe-" Ways voice cracks as tears swell in his eyes. Babe avoids eye contact and just turns his face away from Way, "I'm soo sorry.. I-Its my fault" Way finally bursts into tears, throwing himself on Babes lap. Babe just sits there not showing any form of reaction, Way pulls himself together and sits up again placing his hand on Babes cheek. Babe frowns and slaps Ways hand away, throwing his arm at Ways chest. Way stops and steps back at his boyfriends intense glare, "Phi! Please say something" Way begs trying to get close to Babe again. This time Babe sits up and just moves himself further from Way, Way ignores the signs that Babe doesn't want to see him and just sits on the other side of the bed. "Babe?" Way questions with a tinge of confusion, "Get out." Babe growls underneath his breath. "What?" Way asks not understanding clearly, "GET OUT!" Babe yells this time accidentally hitting Way trying to push him away. Way sits there surprised for a second just starring at Babe then gets up and goes to leave, Babe just leans his head back on the pillow covering his eyes with his hands. Babe feels tears run down his face as he tries to sleep again to forget about the pain he is feeling.

Kenta watches Way come down from the staircase with a noticeable red mark on the left side of his face, Kenta quickly rushes to Way waiting for him to say something. "He won't speak to me, nor anyone at this point." Way whimpers, Kenta sighs and holds Way by his shirt... "YOU SHOULD'VE TRIED HARDER!" Kenta cries shaking Way like a toy. Kenta just punches Way in the chest before letting go, "Tony wants to speak to you..." Kenta adds before walking off.
Way enters Tonys room and sees Tony starring outside the window, "Pa" Way speaks standing near the door. Tony turns and faces Way with a surprisingly calm face, "Have you been with Babe?" Tiny questions lifting a eyebrow. Way nods and keeps his head down, "Well?" Tony becomes inpatient wanting a response. "He just woke up and I tried talking to him but he refused me" Way answers sharing the same cold emotions as Tony. "If you want to stay here.. Then you know what I want and always have, seems that this unfortunate event happened" Tony continues... Way just looks up at Tony with a astonished reaction, "No! He's already been through so much I'm not gonna let him suffer like that again!" Way yells gripping his hand on the door handle ready to leave. "I don't care what you think Way... The reason why I adopted you and Babe was for this reason so you have 3 weeks if not then..." Tony responds turning to his desk drawer pulling out a sharp blade.
Way scoffs and leaves the room slamming the door behind him, "Fuck!" Way screams banging his fist into the wall next to him. Way looks up and stops immediately after seeing Babe starring at him from the door well, "P'Babe?" Ways voice softens as he walks up to Babe. Babe steps back and holds his arms out in front, "Please Way... I don't want to stay here" Babe gets down on his knees in front of Way begging him. "Please" Babe throws his head into Ways stomach covering his face, Way rubs Babes hair and tries getting him to calm down before he says anything else. "I can't Babe-I wish I could belive me" Way mutters, Babe slowly gets up and walks upstairs. "I'm sorry, I should've been less stupid" Babe replies. Way sighs as he sees Babe fade off into the darkness but then realizes something Babe in holding in his hand, a lighter...
Way has a suspicion what Babe is going to do so he runs after Babe, "PHI!" Way yells banging on the door which is now locked.
Inside the room, Babe sits on the floor near the bad holding the lighter to his thigh... Babe whimpers shutting his eyes, flicking the lighter on. Babe feels the sharp pain start to subside as his vision blurs, untill it all goes black.

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