Hell 4

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After serving dinner by servents, all of Agnihotri's and pratik started to have it, visvas agnihotri was asleep in his room due to medicines. mugdha was not present there as always, but cause pratik is here they told him that she is tired and can't be present here for courtesy.
Maithili and Anand ware absent as both of them are working on something important.

Pratik nodded his head in affirmation, listening that mugdha was absent, but his lips formed a arc which was showing his inner happiness. She is debating.

Suddenly he started to feel congested in his chest, he was feeling hard to breathe.

His eyes darted to the kheer which was containing kaju powder. Oh how come he didn't noticed.

He throwed the plate on floor, as his neck started to turned red.

Arjun walked up to him and held him, he asked to get the car's ready to his one man.

All the Agnihotri's started to panic, Vijay and Ajay had stern look with confused expressions.
Iravati, Suchitra and surekha ware dumbfolded as, what happened?
Arpita was at verge of crying and Both aparna and arav ware shocked.

Arjun held pratik who was staggering in his firm hold, he understood, what is happening with pratik? Arjun asked his men to get the car's ready and headed towards the hospital.

Mugdha from third floors balcony watched all the car's, which are heading towards the hospital.

You wanted to make fun of my Hriday, now see how it looks like to be made fun of you.'

Mugdha had knows every minute detail about pratik ( from chapter - start of desaster), and she was thinking of making him regret to even think of using her as a pawn.

'Now this whole mansion is her's.'
Thought mugdha twirling in her place.

Mugdha hurriedly walked towards Arjun's study room, which was his office in this house.

She started to search for the information, she wanted to get. In this whole house she knows every nook and cranny, and the habits of people, after searching for half hour eagerly mugdha got the things which she wanted for month now.

The karavan project

Mugdha opened the file and started to analyse everything

She didn't had time, so she was taking pictures of the pages in the file.

After completing her task, she walked away from that office, tidying everything like always.
She was feeling good atleast her working like slave in this house is now helping her, as she can do everything flawlessly. as she was always good in placing things according to the owner of the place.

And her luck or bad luck anything it can be, but she knows every minutes details and habits of every Agnihotri's, most probably this gabbar Agnihotri.


A gasp escaped from mugdha's mouth,

Watching Arjun's most loyal safe gaurd present infront of mugdha.

Laila .

Laila is a bitch, who is most loyal to Arjun, she can kill anyone for him or get killed for him.
Laila was with Arjun for four years now.

( From chapter - Flashback 3)
When mugdha asked permission to go to callage. And completed the task of Arjun's hundred sketches.

Arjun stopped mugdha.

If you want to join callage then you have to take a responsibility of a task.
And that task will be known to you after you will be successful in the admission,
Arjun commanded mugdha.

At that time other than reaching callage on time mugdha didn't thought of Anything.


Mugdha was looking at Laila.
And Laila was looking at Mugdha.

After five minutes when they both thought that this is getting no where, so Laila thought of brocking the silence.

"Bhau.. bhau.."

(Yes, you thought that right, Laila is a........ dog.
An Indian breed kutta.)

Looking at the most loyal dog of Arjun Agnihotri only one word come on mugdha's lips.



After coming back from callage, mugdha was summoned by Arjun, and she was introduced to the dog which was called Laila.

It was dog , not puppy. A full grown dog.

And mugdha was that dog's caretaker for whole three months.

It's not like that mugdha was afraid of dogs or hate animals.

But Laila is a different case . She was a total bitch, she other than Arjun didn't let anyone touch her or raise their hands on her if you do she will bite you for sure, but mugdha had to tame that bitch for her education purpose.

Many times it happened back then, Laila tried to bite mugdha. But mugdha's familiarity towards animals helped her to act accordingly.

Not only mugdha, but all the people in the mansion ware prohibited to even raise their voice against Laila, so displined her was a gone case. Arjun was not like any dog lover or anything, he actually don't cared about animals.

But for Laila he is willing to leave his career as gabbar and is willing to be a majnu. and the most shocking thing is he had taken Laila from streets. but this bitch will never listen to anyone other than Arjun . Not even doctors or professional caretakers also.

"Mugdhane bohot papad bele hai ise manane main."
(Mugdha had taken so much efforts to tame this bitch.)

Laila is the only pet who can enter in the Agnihotri mantion. It's wierd but Laila had super tight security that like she is some kind of Princess.

Its acceptable that Laila is more mature than any other dog, she can even read and play piano. And always gaurd places those belongs to Arjun.



Why she has to always fall in problem by herself.
Mugdha screemed in her mind mentally.

She can't runaway, if she did then this Laila will not leave her.

Taking a deep breath mugdha did what she always does in front of Arjun's pets.

"Sahi pakde hai."
(You Guess it right.)

Yeah. Bharatnatyam.

God, not only dogs now she also had to dance in front of this bitch. What a life .


This is reeeeal helllll.

"Bitch stop enjoying."
Mugdha cursed in her mind while dancing.



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