Chapter 16

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They never made it to The Three Broomsticks, and instead spent the rest of their time wandering around Hogsmeade. The sight of the two quidditch captains who were well-known to be rivals were holding hands instead, and that was a sight for everyone who walked by with widening eyes.

They paid no attention to the stares as Jungkook let an excited Jihyun drag him around the streets of Hogsmeade, marvelling at the wands and potion books that she had come across. He never liked potions, but the girl loved it - she had a love for books and learning, and Jungkook always found that admirable and attractive.

When they arrived hand in hand as they joined the rest of the gang at the checkpoint, no one seemed surprised, but everyone was looking at them with teasing smiles. Taehyung was the most excited of them all, and Jungkook couldn't help but feel slightly nervous when Namjoon and Seokjin had neared him even though he had known them for such a long time - but he finally relaxed when they merely told him to take care of their sister.

Of course he would.

"You two lovebirds are finally together!" Taehyung said with a dramatic sigh and wiped imaginary sweat off his forehead, "Took you long enough, Jungkook."

"And you even denied when we saw you at Madam Puddifoot's earlier." Jimin teased as the rest of the group widened their eyes, "So that was where you two snuck off to!" Hoseok gasped as he pointed accusing fingers towards him. "My my, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Jihyun in Madam Puddifoot's? What a sight!"

"You almost ruined it, Jimin." Jungkook rolled his eyes as Jihyun held in a chuckle. Jimin looked confused.

"What? Why?" Jimin asked worriedly while Jihyun landed a soft smack on Jungkook's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Chim. He's just being a baby." Jihyun said as she pinched his cheeks. The rest of the group cooed while the couple blushed in embarrassment.

"Too cute!" Yoona and Mina gushed as the group broke into a chuckle.


The news that the two quidditch captains had gotten together had spread like wildfire.

Jihyun hadn't known that there were that many girls crushing on Jungkook, but she had felt their wrath through their menacing stares as she walked down the hallways towards her locker. She clutched onto her wand warily, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Taehyung standing by his locker.

"You look like you were being chased." Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he leaned against his locker. "I felt like I was going to get hexed by someone when I was walking from the dorms."

"I wouldn't be surprised, after all, you're the girlfriend of one of the most sought-after guys on campus." Taehyung shrugged as he turned around, and he saw one of the girls placed her wand back quickly when he gave her a death stare.

Although he seemed nonchalant about it, he knew teenage girls had no limit to what they'd do. He was ready to fight anyone who dared to touch Jihyun.

"It's crazy how they act. Not like Jungkook gave them the time of day when he was single." Jihyun rolled her eyes while her best friend let out a loud laugh, "True, he never had eyes for anyone but you." He teased as the girl fell silent immediately and blushed.

Jungkook was already in his seat, and gave her a wide smile as she entered the classroom.

"Hey Ji." Jungkook said shyly as he turned around in his seat, facing Taehyung and Jihyun. Taehyung shook his head in amusement as he looked at the couple who was merely blushing while stealing glances at each other.

"Hey." Jihyun said as she tried to hide her smile while setting up her table.

"What are you doing after school today?" He asked, and Jihyun merely shrugged, "Prefect duties for an hour and self-study after since the finals are coming up."

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