Chapter 13

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Taehyung didn't need to say a single thing because it soon became pretty clear to everyone.

Jungkook hadn't woken up for the last five days, and Jihyun had spent those five days either at his bedside during lunch breaks and after classes, or in the library looking up for potions to possibly help him.

Her brothers were getting worried about her as they spotted the dark eye circles on her face, but everyone knew Jihyun was stubborn and wouldn't budge if she had set her mind on something.

She wasn't going to rest until Jungkook woke up.

"Ji, you need to rest!" Jin and Namjoon chided as they dragged her out of the library and into the attic, settling her down for a proper meal this time. She usually would just get a quick bite before rushing towards another professor to ask for help on a spell or potion that could quicken Jungkook's recovery process.

"I know you are concerned about Jungkook, but you need to care about your own health too." Namjoon said as he placed a bowl of kimchi stew he had snuck up from the Great Hall since it was already past mealtimes.

It was evident to her brothers that Jihyun had been wayyyyy too concerned over the youngest, and they were pretty sure that she had taken a liking to the boy. That also explained why she had gotten so mad on the day of the Yule Ball.

"I'm so worried, you know?" She croaked softly as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm so scared that he's not going to wake up ever again, and the last memory I have of him is us fighting." Jin and Namjoon softened when they saw fat droplets falling down Jihyun's face. They pulled her into a hug as she sobbed hard and released all the emotions for the first time since Jungkook had entered the hospital.

"I-I feel like the worst person ever," Jihyun cried as she sobbed into Jin and Namjoon's shoulders, "I was telling him how much of a jerk he was, and if he ever leaves like that, he's going to think I hate him when all I want is for him to get out of that bed and annoy the shit out of me again." Her brothers let out a soft chuckle as they patted her head reassuringly.

"He's going to wake up, Ji. We are all rooting for him, he will wake up." Namjoon said softly, and Jihyun prayed that her brother's words would come true.


It had been a week, and Jungkook was still in a deep sleep.

The heartbeat monitor indicated that he was still breathing, but the cuts were still deep and harsh. Jihyun could tell that they were healing, but there was still a while to go.

"His vitals are still weak, but his wounds are healing. It's weird that he's still unconscious. He might need a bit of jolting to wake him up, so you can try to talk to him more. I'm sure he can hear you somehow." Madam Pomfrey advised and the group nodded, thanking her before she left.

They stayed for a while longer, each of them taking turns to speak to him - with Jihyun being the last.

"Don't stay up too late. You need to rest." Taehyung said as he pulled her into a comforting hug before he left.

After everyone had left the room, she sighed and took a deep breath as she sat by his bedside.

"Jeon Jungkook." Her voice croaked, swallowing the lump in her throat as she took another deep breath to calm herself down.

"Can you hear me?"

Jungkook laid completely still. She sighed, but continued anyway.

"Do you remember our conversation about Divination? I told you I predicted that you were going to be safe. You told me you hated Divination because no one can predict the future."

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