Chapter 15

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It first started in the feet. He felt his feet grow uncomfortably in his shoes, expanding slowly but surely.

Jihyun hadn't noticed it since she was still raving to him about some interesting fact from the book she was reading today, but Jungkook knew he was slowly changing back to his original self.

He took a quick look at his wrist watch and realised that he had five more minutes till the hour was up.

"Ji... I have to go." He said as he felt his arms and legs slowly growing back to its original size under his robes.

"Where are you going?" Jihyun asked in confusion as Jungkook stood up. "I... I have to do something for a professor. I'll catch you later!" Jungbkook said hurriedly before Jihyun could retort, and ran off towards the classroom.

Ignoring the grunts and muffled annoyances from the students that he was pushing away along the hallway, he finally arrived at the classroom that he and Taehyung had parted at.

When he arrived, he saw the older boy sitting on one of the tables with a magazine and heaved a sigh of relief. Taehyung had a wide smile on his face when he saw him, while Jungkook was panting as if he had been chased by a group of trolls.

He whipped a handheld mirror out of his pocket and could see Taehyung's signature hairstyle slowly turning back to his original soft and lush chestnut-brown hair. The scar on his cheek that he had since he was young was slowly forming on his face again, and he could see his brown eyes coming back as Taehyung's black eyes and arched eyebrows faded away.

Within seconds, he could feel his body enlarging back to its normal size, and he quickly peeled off Taehyung's Slytherin robes before he could ruin them. He was finally back to normal.

"So, how was it?" Taehyung asked excitedly as Jungkook caught his breath.

"Craziest thing I've ever done." Jungkook huffed as he took a swig of water from the table.

"But?" Taehyung asked with a smirk, "But I got the answers that I want." Jungkook said with satisfaction, and Taehyung punched his fists in the air.

"Told you!" He shouted with a smug face while Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Fine, you're right."

He had never been so happy to admit his mistakes.

"You'd better have an awesome confession planned."

"I suck at these." Jungkook puffed his cheeks in frustration, "You know how I'm bad with my feelings."

"Oh come on! It's Ji, you better make this good." Taehyung wagged a finger as a warning while Jungkook nodded, "I'll think about it."


The trip to Hogsmeade had arrived quicker than expected. Jungkook had spent the past few days fretting over the perfect way to confess, but he still hadn't thought of a plan.

Taehyung had been suggesting countless ideas - from the commercialised gifts to a public confession, or even suggesting jewelry and expensive gifts. But Jungkook didn't like any of it. He wanted the entire thing to be memorable, because that was what Jihyun was to him - special and memorable.

"What are you thinking?" Jihyun said all of a sudden as she popped up beside him, startling him slightly as he lost his footing and held onto a nearby table. She snickered when she saw his expression, "You look deep in thoughts."

"N-nothing." He stuttered, composing himself again. "Have you thought of what you wanted to do at Hogsmeade?" Jungkook asked while the girl shrugged, "Not really. I'm set on buying chocolate frogs, but that's about it."

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