Chapter 8

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Everyone was taking turns in helping the two youngest - Jungkook was going to try the Bubble-Head Charm which produces a bubble around the user's head, ensuring them an ample amount of oxygen to breathe underwater.

Taehyung was going to consume Gillyweed, an ingredient that Hoseok had found, which allows the user to grow gills for a period of time underwater - enabling them to breathe and swim easily.

"That's great, Jungkook! Your charm should be able to last longer after a few more tries." Jin said as he patted Jungkook's back after they had come back from another trial session underwater at the Great Lake.

Jihyun had been there a few times as well, and she was glad that the Bubble-Head charm was working well for Jungkook. Even though it was an advanced spell for the seventh-years, she could tell that the boy really wanted it to work as he had been trying it everywhere - in class, in the attic, and even during mealtimes, emitting laughter from the group when the bubble head had formed on his head - making him look comical.

She glanced back at Taehyung, who was biting his lips nervously as he continued stirring the Gillyweed potion. They had gotten some ingredients from Professor Weasley, who was more than happy to share his knowledge and had even taught Taehyung how to make the Gillyweed.

He had tried brewing it several times in the last two weeks - but even after he had consumed it, he continued standing nervously at the edge of the lake. He was unwilling to enter even after an hour, where the potion had already lost its effect.

Even though Namjoon and Hoseok had consumed it and successfully stayed underwater for an hour to convince him, Taehyung still had his reservations and refused to go underwater, much to everyone's chagrin.

Jihyun had also spent the last two weeks trying to calm Taehyung's nerves as he constantly looked worried and wasn't concentrating most of the time. She knew her best friend was terrified, and apart from just being there beside him, she didn't know what else she could do.

"Ready to try it today?" Jihyun asked with concern and Taehyung shrugged, "I'll try."

"I'm not trying to stress you, Tae, but it's only one more day to the tournament." Jihyun said worriedly and Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in sadness, "I know. I've been counting down."

"Perhaps you can try to dip your feet in the water today? We'll be there to pull you out if you're feeling unsure." Jihyun reassured again before he sighed, "I just hate the thought of not being able to touch the ground and the fact that I could possibly drown."

Jihyun sighed internally as she looked at Taehyung sadly. She knew no matter what she said, Taehyung wasn't going to listen, and the only thing she could do was to be by his side when he's afraid.

When the group arrived at the lake, Yoongi and Jimin had gone down into the water first before encouraging Taehyung to enter. He consumed the gillyweed as the familiar slimy sensation slid down his throat. He grew gills and webbing formed between his fingers and toes.

He sat down on the grass, dipping his legs into the water while Yoongi and Jimin held onto his arms, lowering him down to the water. Being in water was fine, but not being able to touch the ground scared him to no end.

But he knew he had to do it. There was only one day left, and there was no time to waste.

He lowered himself deeper into the water, still clutching onto Yoongi and Jimin tightly.

"Now submerge yourself." Jimin said gently as Taehyung heaved a deep breath before attempting to go underwater.

He lowered his head underwater for a few moments and the duo thought he was fine, flashing smiles to the group. But when they let go of his arms, he jerked up quickly and gasped for air as memories of him drowning under the harsh waters came up again.

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