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Whinny slept peacefully with her arms wrapped around her pillow, laying motionless on her stomach. Daryl entered the room quietly, not wanting to startle her with a sudden noise. He approached and nudged her gently, yet she did not stir.

"Ay, wake up," he spoke quietly, hoping to rouse her. However, his words only fell on deaf ears, and Whinny remained stubbornly asleep, her steady breathing the only indication of life in the room.

“Hay! Wake up or you ain't gonna get nothing to eat,” Daryl's voice echoed around the room, jolting Whinny from her peaceful slumber. She sat up, her hair a tangled mess around her. Daryl chuckled and commented, "You look terrible."

Seeing her messy hair, Daryl rummaged through her drawer and found a hairbrush. He pulled out a pink brush and tossed it on the bed. "You need this, you look like a tornado hit you," he teased.

"Get dressed and eat," Daryl instructed before leaving, giving Whinny some privacy. She quickly got dressed in some spare clothes, and after brushing her tangled hair, she stepped outside. Whinny found a seat next to Carol at the table, who had prepared a meal of pork.

"Still not talking?" Carol
asked, her gaze fixed on Whinny. Whinny merely took another bite of her food, silently communicating that she was not ready to speak quite yet.

"Food taste good?" Carol asked, and Whinny simply nodded in response, savoring each bite. As she continued eating, Daryl emerged from the house, greeting Dr. S with a casual "Morning, Daryl."

Daryl approached Carol, who stood behind the counter. "What's up, Dr. S?" he replied.

Some other people in the group chimed in with their own greetings, creating a sense of community and camaraderie in the air.

"Smells good," Daryl remarked while eyeing the food.

Carol teased him with a smile, "Just so you know, I liked you first."

Daryl tried to brush off her comment, replying, "Stop," before taking a bite of the pork.

Daryl mentioned, "You know Rick brought in a lot of them too."

"Not recently," Carol responded, her warm smile directed at Daryl. Whinny couldn't help but wonder if there was more than friendship between them, given Carol's frequent compliments and affectionate remarks.

Carol advised, "Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed you'll have to learn to live with the love."

Daryl acknowledged her words with a nod. He then cast a glance towards Whinny, who, unnoticed by them, had been quietly observing their interaction from a distance.

Carol turned to Daryl and asked, "I need you to see something."
Daryl nodded, ready to follow her.

Carol instructed Patrick, "Patrick, you wanna take over?"
Patrick eagerly took the spatula from her, saying, "Yes, ma'am."

Patrick then thanked Daryl for his contribution, "Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat, sir, and I would be honored to shake your hand.”
Daryl accepted the handshake from Patrick, who wore a smile on his face. Carol tried to suppress her laughter as she witnessed the exchange.

Just as Daryl was about to move on, he turned back to Whinny and reminded her, "Hey, Hershel said to go play with the other kids. Don't forget."
Whinny nodded in agreement, acknowledging Daryl's instructions. With that, Daryl walked off, following Carol as they continued their conversation, leaving Whinny to join the other kids.

Patrick addressed Whinny, “So you're Whinny?” he asked

Whinny nodded silently, .

Patrick continued, "Carl told me about you."

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