𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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omg hey


"Are you sure you don't want to come out?" The nurse asked Breuanne who just sat silently by a window

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"Are you sure you don't want to come out?" The nurse asked Breuanne who just sat silently by a window. Even though he was her least problematic patient Breuanne scared her.

He was just so intimidating and he never talked. Going back mute how he was growing up. Thankful he didn't trip out like the other ones but his meltdowns were something else.

Instead of strapping him down and doping him up with medicine they let him do whatever he wanted seeing that he calmed himself down. Actually using him for studies, Breuanne's meltdowns lasted between five minutes to three hours. Wondering what was going on in his mind.

He'd been in the rehabilitation center for the past 90 days. He had ten more to go so they were trying to get him back to socializing like the outside world but he wouldn't budge.

"Breuanne," she repeated louder even though she knew he heard her. Breuanne ignored everyone but he had times were he'd actually comply. "I'm ok."

"I brought you more books," she walked into the room that was in its best shape. Breuanne kept it clean to his best abilities. Sitting them next to him she looked outside the window.

"10 more days." Smiling for him watching him nod, "I appreciate you and all your help. Sorry for the times I snapped at you." Saying sincerely, when he forest got there and he had meltdowns she'd tried to help. Because of that she cried in the break room plenty of times.

Almost like she was taken back she was caught on her words, "Y-you're welcome. I'll be here whenever ok?"

Nodding he watched as she left out, sighing he looked at the books she brought. Seeing the Harry Potter series his lips turned up a bit, remembering mentioning it to her once.

Even after all the tears he'd caused she still thought about him, reminding him of Aurora. Breuanne was almost reluctant to go back out into the real world, he'd declined visits from everyone.

52 times.

52 times they've tried to see him and 52 times they were denied. Even in his last days they still came in hopes of seeing him but Breuanne wouldn't suffice. Not wanting them to see him like that.

Breuanne was pale due to the fact he only went outside once a week to check on his little garden the head warden had allowed him to start.

Getting lost in his thoughts Breuanne sat back. Wondering how life would be once he got on.


"You think I've done a good job?"

"You did a great job he'll be so happy to see all you've done." Alanie assured Aurora who stared at the Breuanne's garden. While he was away she took it upon herself to look after the plants.

It wasn't hard to do and he'd taught her a lot while they were together. "I hope so. Let's get out of here," Lanie nodded, walking back to the car seeing Aurora take multiple glances back.

"You're gonna see it again girl," laughing when she laughed. "No im not. Once he's home I have no reason to come by. Lanie I meant what I said."

"Im all for you standing on business and stuff but you think yall on get back together now that he's sober?" Aurora shrugged as she drove, about to go get some food and call it a day.

"I doubt it. I have love for him but I fell out of love with him." Lanie's eyebrow went up, side eyeing her friend. Never thinking she'd hear her say that.

"Are you coming to his coming home party?" Aurora shook her head easily, "Girl that man not gonna go to that and if he do watch he find a way to leave as soon as attention off him." Already knowing Breuanne.

"Shit as long as I get some cake I'm straight me."

"You think he wanna see me? I'm hesitant about going to get him with Lanie and Cam." Even though she moved on he had been on her mind for the longest.

"Of course he do."

"Nah I'm trippin, he didn't even allow me to visit him." Pulling into the parking lot.

"Girl he didn't let nobody see him. You know how Mir is so don't overthink it. Be thinking about staying loyal to yo lil boyfriend." Aurora definitely was about to cheat on him when Breuanne got back.

Trey was cool and all but Aurora just wasn't as goofy and free will with him like she used to to be with Mir. He made her feel alive and everyone saw it.

"Girl I'm straight me I ain't even thinking bout that man." Waving her off Lanie got out the car.

"Watch this bitch fold."

Just like Aurora said as soon as Mir got the chance to leave that's exactly what he was doing, happy to see his family again but he couldn't just do it all again that quick.

On his way out he ran into Aurora who was walking up the driveway, it got quiet between them for a second before he cleared his throat.

"Wassup." Taking in how good she looked, literally allured to her. Nervous as ever though but he wasn't the only once watching her shift on her feet. "H-hi ok bye." About to turn around and go home but he stopped her.


Turning around Aurora let out a shaky breath, "Y-yes?" He looked so good, every time she went a while without seeing him she was reminded 10x more when she did.

"THank you for taking care of my garden I appreciate that deeply." Smiling a bit she nodded, "Of course I know how much you valued it."

Silence consumed them again Breuanne tilting his head and staring down at her. Yea they definitely were about to get back together. He needed her.

"Where Princess?"

"Home. You can come get her whenever." He nodded and licked his lips. "I'll text you. Goodnight Aurora."

"Goodnight Breuanne." Two going to get in there cars, Aurora catching herself smiling from ear to ear. Trying to drop the feeling but she couldn't. Even being in his presence made her feel something she hadn't in a while. Trying to remember all the shit he did but when you missed someone there was no denying that.

Knowing she would have to stay far away from him. Especially because she was really feeling Trey. That wouldn't be so hard.



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