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Note: hey guys it's me Psy and let's continue the story and kindly note that if you haven't read previous parts then please go and check out them.
Let's continue...

That day, I done many exciting things like "giving a speech in front of a whole medical college, getting a new case and also going for a coffee with mitali." The day was good but the night...

I dropped mitali to her home and then I headed to mine. But because of traffic it took almost 3 hours to reach. But there was nothing to worry because, "I live alone with my 2 pets Fufaji and Fufiji". ( read last part if you don't know about them) After I made dinner and went to bed early.

Everything was good but I suddenly woke up with a scream.
And started gasping.

Hhhh hhhh hhhh hhhhh

"Because just a minute ago I experienced sleep paralysis".

Sleep paralysis is when a person wakes up but can’t move or speak for a few minutes. It’s like the body is still in dream mode, so the muscles don’t listen to the brain’s commands right away. Sometimes, people feel like there’s a weight on their chest or see things that aren’t really there, which can be scary, but it’s not dangerous. 

Yes, "I was feeling like something is sitting on my chest and it sticked me to the bed". I was able to see everything in my room but "I was unable to move and speak". I was shouting very loud but even I wasn't able to hear a single word.
I was sweting a lot, when I saw the window is open and it's raining & lighting and my both pets looking outside from the window.

And suddenly...

"Both of them moves there head backwards towards me and started staring me... Those pitch black eyes were making me uncomfortable. "
And... I woke up. And after gasping for few second I started analysing everything and came to the conclusion that," it was just a nightmare because it was not raining and even my pets were sleeping silently with me."

Somehow I managed to sleep until my boss called me.

It was 11am of morning and my boss told me on call that they find the identity of the victim.

I immediately ran towards my laptop and started investigating and analysing because my boss also sent the whole details of that victim's identity.

"He was a 22 years old handsome and tall boy named 'Bhavic'. He is an electrical engineer". Living with his 'uncle sharad'.

Also, "he was missing from last week Sunday".

I immediately made a call to Damodar

Me: "Hello Damodar, did you got the information of the victim? "

Damodar: Yes, I got the information and also,"I sent a team of investigators to his home and his engineering college."

Me: "That's really good. And I am coming to your office now to discuss on it."

Damodar: Ya sure.

Me: "Yes, but can you please find out the footages of last saturday and sunday of the victim from all the servelence cameras present in the city."

Damodar: "Ok I will find out all that."

Me: "Thanks, and if it is possible then please try to get footages of all the enginering and medical colleges."

Damodar: "It's hard to find footages from the colleges but I will try."

Me: Yes, please.

I got ready and headed towards the office.

After reaching the office I went in damodar's cabin.

Me: Hey, did you succeed to find the footages?

Damodar: "Yes, but many colleges denied to give access of there cameras."
"But take a look at this...
On sunday, he was captured in the camera while roaming in the premises of a medical college. "

Me: What's the name of that college?


Me: "It's the college where I was invited for an event yesterday."

Damodar: So, are you thinking same what I am thinking?

Me: Yes, let's go to that college.

To be continued...

Till then take care and be careful


THE OBSESSION OF A CRIMSON SOUL Where stories live. Discover now