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Note: This part is about information of psychopath, serial killer, how do they become like this and are you a psychopath. So, if you are curious then keep reading this part.

So let's start...

After sitting on the bench of that hospital, I was thinking that the one who done this kind of crime must be any Psychopath.
So what does it mean by psychopath?
A person with high mental illness, distrubed mind and a life time suffering this is the simplest explination. But really is it that simple?

The word PSYCOPATH is from ancient greek origin:
=> PSYCHE means Soul
=> PATHOS means Suffering
It gives a meaning that is a suffering soul.

When I say psyco, then everyone thinks about a criminal or a serial killer. But it's just one sided truth. Every serial killer is a psycho but every psycho is not killer. Many of them doesn't have that much impact on brain but some are...true defination of disgust.

When a psycopath has a strong reason to kill any person then that victim has no chance survive he is going to die anyhow. but he has a way to survive that is only if he kills that psycopath. Because nothing is more dangerous than a psycopath with strong mindset, strong ideology and strong goal...
And when a psychopath is connected to any ideology then it becomes fucking terrible for everyone.

And they are not like zombies, who kills everyone who come in front of them. Instead psychopaths are like dancers...
Yes I am not kidding
They are like professional dancers who plans every step, finds all the flaws and mistakes in entire dance, practices it for days and nights for hours and hours.
And when they perform on stage... It becomes a masterpiece. And everyone just watch and clap.

Ther performance becomes incredible, amazing, awesome and best of all time when the dance with the rhythm of music of death.
Are you getting what I m trying to say.

Also they have a charming and attractive personality. Approx 90% of peoples they meet,likes them. They never disappoint peopls untill the people know there truth. There charisma, there character, there personality, all this things are amazing in them and the normal peoples are unable to recognise that are they psychopaths.
Can you imagine that almost 1% of total population of the world are psychopaths. If you think it's a small number but if you know mathmatics then you will understand that the value of 1% of 8 billion peoples is...

But you may question that, why we don't see psychopaths easily?
It's just because many of them get recovered and thus not all psychopaths becomes killer.
Some psychopaths are...
They doesn't know the limits.
Yes, there is nothing limited or there are no rigid boundaries for psychos.
Some psychopaths love Carnage
( Carnage, distruction of life- नरसंहार)
And when I am saying limitless means it's seriously limitless, you can't imagine there extreme points.

They have high mood swings and because of this they are difficult to understand and recognise.
They can't be happy in one thing or for more time. That's why they get bored easily and this boredom forces them to do something interesting...
Like killing peoples
         Torturing peoples
         Using them as puppets
         Manuplating and playing
         More like these.

Even they are excellent manipulators. The know various aspects of human psychology, dark psychology, mind control, and ofcourse manuplation.
A normal person needs to study this all things but a psychopath understands this all things by default.

They observe human nature and then they make any conclusion. And they are very dedicated towards their goals. There are hundreds of real life example and incidents, that how a psychopath or a person with different perspectives becomes a successful person...

It's enough for now. In the next part I will tell you more about there nature and how can you recognise that is that person a psychopath or not.
If you have any questions please comment. And keep supporting guys.

Till then take care and be careful (•_•)

                      _Servesh Itankar

THE OBSESSION OF A CRIMSON SOUL حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن