Beginning but is it end...?

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Hello guys this is me detective psy. I am the narrator of this story. I am sharing you all these incidents. So let's begin.

The story takes place in August 2023, in the rainy season with dark and black nights.

One night it was about 2 a.m. I got a call from my boss. He said,"psy! Where are you? We got a new case, it's is terrifying and I think you can solve it because it's personal to you. I am sending you the location come fast."

I hurry up and get into the car. It was raining heavily, the night was totally dark not even a single ray of moon light and the was feeling like bombs are exploding in the sky.
But was still thinking that why the case is personal to me.

I reached the spot but
Damn! The location was scary. It was out of the city in an abandoned ground surrounded by many dark and 'leave less trees' and there was a house...

Wow! police mens arrived on time. The senior officer came near me and made a handshake. He is my friend and at morning I was with him and I forgot my 2nd phone (personal phone) in his house.

I immediately asked him "why this case is personal to me?" He said, " do you know the time when I told you that your phone was in my house." Yes it was 1a.m, I said. And then he said something weird. He said "there was a call on your phone, a boy was talking that side and saying "Help Me! Help Me! This place is F*cking Helllll please help me. And at last I heard a screem of that boy."

I thought it was a call of my any old friend or costomer. They found this location by tracking that phone call. We immediately started investigating the house. That house was totally dark, the only light was of our tourches and some candles near a pendulum clock.

But wait a second, the dinner was ready on the table but how it is possible? Before we think anything we heard a screem of a girl

Aaaiii willll alwayyys lovvvvv uuuuuu"...

And we all ran towards the basement's door. It is locked from inside. A few second later we started feeling warmness even tho we all are wet and cold.

It was terrifying. Heavy rain, strong lightning, awkward warmness, a really bad smell the dogs outside where barking and crying.

The door opened, the officers and me went ahead. The more we go inside the more we feel hot and a light was becoming intense like someone has burnt something big.
Two more steps and we saw °_°

A big bunch of human skin and bones burning...A girl hanging above that fire and her feets and half legs are burnt...her cloths are half burnt and the colour of the dress was giving an idea that she was in a blood pool...she is dead!..
Also there was a boy sitting in a position that he is touching legs to chest, he was kept in a prison but... He was N*ked. Yes not a single piece of cloth on his body and it was looking like someone pilled his skin of back. He was crying like an old dog.

That officer started pucking.
But when I saw the face of that boy...I fainted ( बेहोश हो गया).
Because he was RACHIT.
To be continued.

Ok guys this is my first time so please support me and find my mistakes and comment them.
This part is dark but the upcoming parts are not much darker but ti will be intresting.

If you have any question then please comment...
Till then take care and be carefull(°_°)
_Servesh Itankar

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