Jewel Thieves

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The next morning day Cerulean stood high atop Granite City tower wondering about the Black Cloak. It was clear the man can't fly or even jump great distance because he had swung away on a rope. And instead of letting the criminals he fought shoot him, the Black Cloak knocked them out. Cerulean would've let them fire.

"Guess, he's not like me," the cyan sentinel mused. "But he's well trained and sharp. He'd make a good member of the team the President wants to form, but catching him might be hard."

He thought some more and shook his head. "No, I won't waste me time now. Better get back to Central City and write up a story about Granite City's new mystery men."

By noon Craig was on a train back home and went to work the next day to write up the story. Meanwhile back in Granite City, the Black Cloak hung onto a rope outside Commissioner Gyreman's office listening.

"Did you check the apartment those jewel thieves came out of?" asked the Commissioner.

"Yes," replied another voice. The Black Cloak recognized it. It was Police Chief O'Malley. 

"According to the manager of the building, there's only one apartment in they could've used and it was rented by Fred Blake."

"Are you sure? He's part of Granite City's elite social circle."

"Positive Commissioner."

"Better talk to him then to see how the thieves ended up in his apartment."

"Right away."

That was all the Black Cloak needed. Seconds later he was swinging across town to Blake's home on the wealthy section of town.

Without a thought the costumed crusader swung into the man's home through an open window. Blake was in the room and drew up a gun. The Black Cloak rolled forward coming up on his feet in a single fluid motion, punching Blake in the face.

The wealthy man fell back and the Black Cloak march forward. "You're coming with me."

But Blake rolled to one side as the Black Cloak tried to grab him. He fired widely without aiming and missed completely. In response, the cloaked man slugged Blake again, knocking him out.
Later on the step of the police headquarters, Blake was found tied up with a note.

Here's the leader of the jewel thieves.
-- The Black Cloak.

And in Central City, days later, Craig sees a car plow into a cab. When the two drivers get out of their vehicles the driver of the first car began beating up the cab driver. "Join our protection ring, or elsewhere."

The cab driver said nothing. He just lay in a heap on the ground. Craig ran over to help him as the other driver got back in his car and drove off.

"What was that about?" asked Craig helping the cab driver to his feet.

"Oh," groaned the cabbie. "There's a protection racket that's started up. They want all the cab drivers in town to join."

"I hope you didn't agree?"

"No, but this is the third time they've beaten me up. Not sure I can take much more of this."

"I'm a reporter for the Daily Record. Let me see what I can do to expose this."

Later that night Cerulean paid a visit to the Independent Cab Company. Landing on the building's rooftop. Inside the building, Cerulean heard two men talking.

"Join our protection ring," said one man with the husky voice. "Or we'll wreck your company."

"You've already done that by beating up my drivers and vandalizing my cabs. But you can let your boss to drop dead. I'm an honest business man and I'm going to stay that way."

"Then you leave me no choice, but to kill you."

"Go ahead and shoot."

Instantly Cerulean sprang into action jump through the transom and landing in front of the cab company owner. Faster than the eye could follow, the azure garbed man crushed the barrel of the racketeer's gun and a second later he was in the air with the thug jumping between skyscrapers.

The racketeer was astounded and disoriented. No one could do this and yet here was happening to him.

"I've got to escape," he mumbled and he drew a knife to stab Cerulean.

The blade snapped but caught the man in blue by surprise, throwing off his jump to the next building. Instead of landing safely, Cerulean slammed into the edifice and lost his hold on the gangster, who fell to his death.

Cerulean grimaced. "If he hadn't tried to stab me he'd be alive now." He paused. "Odd he was some dead set to escape. There's something more here than a protection racket. And I'm going to find out what."

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