Cerulean and the Black Cloak

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The winter finally relented as April began. But the news out of Europe spoiled the promise of the new season, as Italy invaded Albania. Craig Crent read the stories as they came off the newswire and grimaced. Something had to be done. Although he had agreed to the President's plan, it was too slow. Yet he knew the country wasn't ready to go to war. Yet what other choice was there? The leaders of Germany and Italy seemed bent on conquest.

Cerulean went to meet Agent 12 as scheduled. "I've nothing to report."

"I do," said the federal agent. "You were right about Granite City. There's is a vigilante or perhaps even a metahuman active fighting crime. I spoke to the police commissioner there. He's a mysterious figure called the Black Cloak and he appeared about four months ago. I want you to fight out if he's just a costumed vigilante or if he has abilities like yours."

"And then recruit him?" asked the cyan sentinel.

"No, not yet. But explain to him what you are doing and why. The time will come when everyone available will be needed."

"All right. Is that all?"

"That's all."

Cerulean jumped into the sky and Agent 12 lit a cigarette and began to wonder about this brave new world that was emerging.


Craig pitched a story idea to his boss George Taylor. "I've noticed the crime rate has fallen in Granite City. I thought a series of articles exposing the reasons for this might interest our readers."

"I'm not so sure, Crent," Taylor spat back. "But see what you can find out. If it makes a good story we'll run it."

Craig was on the next train east to Granite City. Upon his arrival he went to the police department and interviewed the commissioner James Gyreman.

"Sitting in Gyreman's office, Craig asked, "The city's crime rate has been falling since the beginning of the year. What do you attribute that to?"
Gyreman puffed on his cigar. "It's no secret. The Black Cloak gets most of the credit."

"The Black Cloak? Who's he?"

"One of these men of mystery that have been popping up all over the country, like the Archer in Carver City out west. Or the Scarlet Avenger in Central City."

"So then you don't know much about him?"

"Next to nothing. And I'm not sure I want to know. For the first time since I can remember children can play outside in their own neighbors without fear. Prostitution is way down and employment is up because the criminals that frequent the street walkers are in jail and the women selling themselves have taken other jobs for money."

"Sounds like the quality of life had improved," remarked Crent.

"I'll say and we have the Black Cloak to thank for most of it."

Craig stood up. "Thanks Commissioner. I think I have what I need."

"My pleasure."

Craig left and went to his hotel to wait for evening to fall. Once it was dark, he changed into his Cerulean costume and jumped out of the window in his room. He hoped to spot the Black Cloak. But as he stood atop the spire of the Granite City Cathedral he saw it was a quiet night. Disappointed, he jumped back to his hotel.

The following day a daring jewel heist made the Granite City Gazette.

$100,000 of jewels stolen. Police baffled. No clues anywhere.

Craig was sure this would flush out the Black Cloak. All he had to do was wait.

That night two men came out of hiding and quietly crept along the top of the Granite City Apartment. One of the men carried a small satchel like a doctor's medical bag.

"Good thing, the boss had an apartment here was could hide out in," said one man.

"Yeah, but let's not keep him waitin'," said the another man. "He's eager to get his hands on the jewels in that bag."

They moved silently but hadn't gotten more than a few feet when suddenly out of the nearby shadows, the Black Cloak leaped and tackled the man with the jewelry bag. The other man drew a knife and lunged at the costumed figure. But the Black Cloak was ready for him and using his legs pitched his assailant over the edge of the roof to his death below.

The first man, having recovered, drew a gun, but the Black Cloak was faster and with a few quick punches, knocked out the criminal.

The costumed crimefighter stopped to survey the area then went to examine the bag of jewels. But before he could reach it, Cerulean landed on the roof.

The Black Cloak froze. Not sure what the newcomer wanted and not wanting to get caught he dove over the side of the building even as you threw a rope to the ledge of the building across the street. The rope caught and the Black Cloak swung away.

Cerulean watched him go unsure how he would ever talk to such an elusive individual.

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