Chapter 23 : Fighting

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Chapter 23


Riker POV

I woke up to Mark carrying me inside. He tried to put me down in my bed, but I clung onto him.

"No. I want to stay with you," I said, holding onto him tight.

He grabbed a change of clothes for me and then carried me into his bedroom and set me down gently on his bed.

"Get changed for bed. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I got changed and then got in his bed. Ross came in a minute later.

"Are you sleeping in here?" Ross asked.



"Because I'm really anxious."

"Mark said there's a cop sitting right next to our driveway, and there's another one at the end of our road. We're safe, Riker. And we have a security system. Stop worrying. We're finally safe."

Mark came back in and got in bed beside me. He lifted the covers, and Ross got in with us too.

I just felt paranoid. Dad is still out there. I hate that he's been able to avoid the police somehow.

And I just know he's not going to stop trying to get to me and Ross.

"Riker," Mark said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're trembling."


"Don't be sorry. What's wrong?"

"I'm just scared. You know he's going to try to come back and get me again!"

"Riker, there's cops watching the house," Ross said.

"He's not going to stop until he gets me!" I yelled, starting to cry.

I clung onto Mark and buried my face in his side. He started rubbing my back slowly.  

"Riker, you're safe here. I promise," Mark said.

I held onto him even tighter, trying to stop crying. I'm just so tired, but I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep. Somehow I was able to sleep in the car, but I knew I was safe there. But now I don't think anywhere is safe.

"Riker, come on. You need to try to calm yourself down," Mark said.

I moved so I was sort of laying half on top of him, still holding onto him tight. I laid my head against his chest, and he held me tighter too.

We all stayed like that for a while. And then Mark pulled the covers over us a bit higher. 

I closed my eyes and tried to just focus on the sound of Mark's heartbeat. I just wanted to stay calm so that maybe I can fall asleep. 

But I'm so scared dad's going to come back. What if he sneaks over to our house from the back and the police don't see? What if he has a gun and shoots Mark? 

I sat up, trying to stay calm, but my heart was racing now. Mark sat up beside me and put his arm around me tight.

"Riker, is there anything that would make you feel any better?" He asked quietly, trying not to wake Ross up.

I sighed and turned my face against his chest.

"You're ok. Just breathe."

"It feels like it's getting worse and I can't calm down," I whispered.

"Breathe, Riker."

"I am, but it's not making my heart slow down."

"It will. Be patient."

He pulled me back down so I was laying with my head on his chest.

"If you can't sleep and you start panicking, wake me up."


The next day...

Ross POV

Riker's been glued to Mark all day. He just follows him around wherever he goes. I think he's in the kitchen with him making dinner right now...

I went to the kitchen, and sure enough, they were both in there.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"Of course," Mark said.

"Well... So I'm just worried about leaving the house now. Like for school. And I was just wondering what you thought about it."

"Riker, please set the table for me," Mark said, taking something out of the oven.

I sat down at the table.

"Here's what I think we should do. The police have a lead on your father. I think we should give it a few days to see if they catch him. If they do, there's nothing for you to worry about for going to school. If they don't, I think we should think about homeschool for you too."

"Ok. I just don't want to get kidnapped by him."

"You won't. You're both safe now."

Mark sat down at the table and of course Riker sat next to him, even though he normally sits next to me.

"Why are you following Mark around so closely?" I asked.

"Because I'm anxious...? Is that not obvious?"

"So? You're always anxious. You never followed him around like this before."

"Because I've felt like I'm going to have a panic attack any second all day!" Riker yelled.

"Riker, there's cops near our driveway, on our road, and we have a security system. Why isn't that good enough?" I asked.

"Because he could still find a way to get us, Ross! What if he came through our backyard instead of the road? And broke in? And shot Mark?"

"If he broke in, the security system would go off."

"That's not going to stop him from coming in here!"

"It might. If he knows there's a cop right outside."

"Ross, you just don't understand."

"No, I think you're the one who doesn't understand! You're not being logical about this! We have so much protection here! I get it, you're anxious. I'm anxious too. But the police wouldn't let us be here if they didn't think we were totally safe!"

"The police can make mistakes!"

"The police are right outside our house, Riker! They're literally here if anything goes wrong!"

"Ok, boys. Enough," Mark said.

I sighed, annoyed. I'm not even hungry for dinner. I'm just annoyed with how Riker's acting.

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