Chapter 22 : Total panic

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Chapter 22


Riker POV

"Riker, please wake up! Mark still hasn't woken up and I can't do this by myself! I need you! Please wake up!"

I opened my eyes, feeling super sleepy. I was laying on a concrete floor. Ross was sitting up next to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know where we are. But dad put us all down here. We're in the basement of some house like super deep in the woods. He never knocked me out like he did to you and Mark because I cooperated. I tried to watch where we were driving, but it's the middle of the night and it's too dark. I have no idea where we are. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Ross. I didn't know where I was when this happened to me. It probably doesn't matter. But we need to get out of here. Is he upstairs right now?"


"Has he said what he's going to do to us or Mark?"

"No. I'm really scared, Riker."

"Don't be scared. Being scared just leads to panic attacks. We've got this, alright? I've gotten away twice. Dad's stupid, ok? He makes mistakes. We can get out of here."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes. And I need you to believe me, ok? We can do this."

"What about Mark?"

I looked over at Mark, laying unconscious on the floor.

"He'll wake up. We just need to give him time," I said.

"Ok, well what if we don't have time?"

"Why wouldn't we have time?"

"What if dad's going to do something to him? Or hurt him? Why else would he have kidnapped him too?"

"I don't know..."

I started struggling against the ropes that were tying my hands together.

"Let me help," Ross said, moving closer.

We turned so our backs were facing each other. Ross tried untying my hands, but he couldn't get them free. So I tried getting his hands untied, but I couldn't get him free either.

I noticed Mark move a little. And about a minute later, he woke up.

"Thank god you're ok," I said.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"We don't know," I said.

The door at the top of the stairs opened, revealing dad.

"Oh good. You're all awake. I just came to tell you that I'm going to be picking up a gun from a friend, so say your goodbyes to Mark. You have about 2 hours left with him."

"Why!? You want us, not him! Why are you going to hurt him!?" I yelled.

"He's getting in the way of me getting you guys. As long as he's alive, he's going to be a problem. So I need to get rid of him."

He slammed and locked the door. I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack.

"Riker, stop. You just told me like 20 minutes ago that we've got this. Stop panicking," Ross said.

"We need to get out of here," I said, starting to cry.

"Riker, calm down. Panicking isn't going to do anything good," Mark said.

"I'm sorry," I said, softly.

Mark started fidgeting with his hands behind his back. And after a few minutes, he'd gotten his hands untied. He untied mine next, and then Ross's.

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