Chapter 5 : Expectations

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Chapter 5


Ross POV

Riker woke up from a nightmare. I didn't even know what time it was. I was only half awake when he screamed and started freaking out.

I turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Riker was sitting up beside me.

"Ew, you're all sweaty," I said, looking at his bangs all stuck to his forehead.

"Thanks. That makes me feel better," he said, annoyed.

"Calm down. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real," I said, laying down again.

"Can you be nicer?"

I'll admit, I'm a little bit grumpy because I'm tired. And it's kind of annoying to be woken up by your big brother because of a nightmare.

Riker climbed over me to get out of bed and he left the room. I pulled the covers up and fell back asleep.

Riker POV

I locked myself in the bathroom. I was basically drenched in sweat.

It was another nightmare about dad hurting me. When is this going to stop?

I felt exhausted. But now I'm cold from being drenched in my own sweat.

I went to Ross's old room and got a change of clothes from my dresser, and then I went back to the bathroom.

I got undressed and got in the shower. I was really upset. I don't think there's anything I can do to stop the nightmares. There's no magic pill I can take or anything. And it's making me not even want to sleep anymore.

I took a very quick shower and then got changed into a new set of pjs. When I opened the door, I jumped because Mark was standing there.

"Are you ok? What's going on?" Mark asked.

"I had a nightmare, and then I was all sweaty and felt gross. So I took a shower, but I'm just so tired of the nightmares!" I said, starting to cry.

Mark pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest. I just don't understand. I'm safe here. So why am I getting nightmares?

"Why don't we go downstairs for a little while?" Mark asked.

He put his arm around me and led me downstairs.

"Go sit on the couch."

I went over to the couch and flopped down. Mark came over with a blanket. He sat down beside me and spread the blanket over both of us.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mark asked.

"I really don't."


He turned the tv on and put his arm around me.

Honestly, I'm still getting used to Mark as my dad now. If I was still living at my old house and said "I really don't" with the attitude I just had to my old dad, I would've gotten in trouble for sure.

But Mark just doesn't care. If I don't want to talk, he's fine with it. And it still surprises me every time.

I sighed and just cuddled into his side. I was really tired, but I was trying to not fall asleep because I was afraid of having another nightmare. But eventually, sleep won, and I fell asleep.


Riker POV

When I woke up, Mark was holding a plate of pancakes in front of me. I sat up and took the plate. He let me eat on the couch, probably because I had a rough night.

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