Chapter 20 : Rescue

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Chapter 20


Riker POV

I was extremely overwhelmed. They had closed the diner so nobody would come in. The police had me sitting at a table so they could ask me a million questions. But too many people were talking at once, and I didn't know the answers to half of their questions. I was just getting super overwhelmed and anxious.

"We're closed!"

"I'm his father!"

I jumped up, hearing Mark's voice. Multiple police officers tried to stop me, but I didn't care. I ran to the front of the diner, straight into Mark's arms.

"Thank god you're ok," Mark said, hugging me tight.

When he let go over me, Ross pulled me into a hug next.

"You really escaped from dad?" Ross asked.


"Tell me everything!"

"Hold on. He needs to finish answering our questions," one of the police officers said, walking over.

"Come on. You can finish with the police and then we can go home," Mark said, guiding me back over to the table.


Ross POV

It was interesting to hear Riker answering the questions from the police at first, but then it started getting boring because of how long it was taking. The whole time, Riker seemed super tense though. And I can't understand why. He's safe. In fact, he's super safe with all these police officers around.

At one point, I put my hand on his back and he flinched. I wasn't thinking he'd be even more anxious like Mark said, but now I'm thinking he might be.

Finally it was over. And we could leave.

Riker and I got in the back of Mark's car so we could sit next to each other. I knew Riker must be exhausted.

Once we were back on the road, Riker had his head on my shoulder and his eyes shut.

"So what are the police going to do? Dad's still out there," I said.

"They're going to look for him. They already went to the spot Riker said they stayed at last night. The tent was there, but his car wasn't. They're waiting there in case he comes back, but they don't think he's going to," Mark said.

"What if he tries to get me again?" Riker asked.

"He's not going to," Mark said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because Riker's not leaving the house once we get back."

"That sounds like a punishment," I said.

"It's not. But I'm not letting this happen again."

"Can I leave the house?" I asked.

"Yes, but only under my supervision."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You can go to school. If you want to hang out with your friends, I'm driving you and picking you up. I don't want you walking."

"Are you going to be like super strict now and give us curfews?" I asked.

"You don't need curfews."

"Why not?" Riker asked.

"Because neither of you are going out at night."

"This sounds like a punishment," I said.

"It's not! But I'm not taking chances this time," Mark said.

Riker laid down so his head was in my lap.

"Riker, you feel really tense," I said, resting my hand on his side.

"Because I am," he mumbled.


"Why do you think? I'm extremely stressed out and paranoid he's going to try to get me again."

"Sit up for a second."

"Why?" He whined.

"I brought your anxiety meds."


Riker sat up. I gave him his pills and he took one.

"Why'd you bring my pills?" He asked, laying down with his head in my lap again.

"I thought you'd need them."


Riker sighed and shut his eyes again.

"Are we really driving all the way back home tonight?" I asked.

"No. We're staying at the motel we stayed at yesterday," Mark said.

"But it's creepy there," I said.

"Do you want a bed to sleep in tonight?"


I closed my eyes too. It's been an exhausting couple of days...


Riker POV

I didn't really like that we were staying in the same motel me and dad had stayed in a few days ago. It just made me feel scared that dad would show up here again and kidnap me.

And the motel was creepy and half the lights were flickery. The only thing I liked about it was that there was only one bed, so we had to squish in it to fit. I was in the middle, so I was happy. I've been so incredibly anxious since escaping, but I felt a ton better being between Ross and Mark.

I'd been clinging to Mark all night so far. Both him and Ross were sitting in bed, eating pizza that Mark had gotten delivered. But I was laying down on my side, with my arm wrapped across Mark's chest, holding on tight. And he had his arm resting on my back.

I know I should feel safe, but I can't help but worry.

"It's getting late. We should head to bed," Mark said.

"I'm not tired yet," Ross said.

"We have a long drive back home tomorrow," Mark said.


Ross shut the light off and got back in bed next to me. I reached behind me until I found his hand and pulled him closer to me.

"What?" Ross asked.

"I just want you closer, ok? I'm really anxious," I said, quietly.

"Ok. I was just curious. I don't mind, Riker."

Ross rested his hand on my shoulder, and I was glad.

"Night, boys," Mark said.

"Night dad," both of us said at the same time.

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