Wanda Maximoff-I'm N̶o̶t̶ Gay

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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,163

Summary: Wanda helps you find out whether you like girls or not.

A/N: A little bit of shy!wanda here. Hope You Enjoy!


You ran into the living room where the rest of the Avengers were. "Guys guess what? I have a date tomorrow night!"

There were slight cheers from everyone, but when you looked at your roommate Wanda, she had a sad look on her face.

"Finally! I was beginning to think you liked girls or something!" Tony said, earning a laugh from some. Your eyebrows scrunched down in confusion. "Why would you think that?" You asked curiously.

Tony shrugged his shoulders, picking up his glass of wine. "I dunno? No one has ever seen you with a guy, nor have you talked about being with someone, so we assumed you were lesbian." You let out a small chuckle, but his explanation had you thinking.

You haven't dated a guy since college and that was almost 3 years ago. But you have seemed a little attracted to girls, specifically Wanda. With Wanda being your roommate, you've grown really close to her.

"Well, I'm going on a date, and hopefully it ends well." You said, voice full of hopefulness.

Steve smirked, and started to speak. "Yeah, and maybe you'll get real lucky, he'll take you to his place, and y'all will fu-" Natasha was quick to cut Steve off. "Rogers!" The boys laughed, you and Natasha rolling your eyes

Ugh, boys.

"Well why're we talking about guys? Let's watch some movies!"


The next day you spent your time getting ready. You went shopping with Wanda and Natasha, wanting their option on the dress you were going to wear. The restaurant your date, Ryan's taking you is a little fancy, and you have nothing good to wear.

With the help of Natasha and Wanda they narrowed it down to 3 dresses. You went into the dressing room to try them on.

First was a white one. It was flowy and breathable. You did a little twirl, watching as it flared in the air. "This is option one. How are we feeling?" You asked. Natasha had a frown on her face, shaking her head. "Nope, that's not the one. That looks like it's for summer."

You nodded your head and turned around back in the room and tried on the other dress. This one was blue. It was beautiful, but the only problem was it was a little too big. "Can't with option 2, it's too big!" You called out, not even bothering to come out.

Then you tried the last dress. When you walked out the door, you had a smile on your face. You did a small twirl, letting the two friends get a full view. "3rd option! What do we think?" You asked them.

"B-beautiful. You look beautiful." Wanda said.

You looked at her, seeing her looking up at you with wide eyes. This is the first time she's spoken since yesterday.

"She's right, you look very beautiful." Natasha complimented. "I know what dress is coming home!" You excitedly said, going back and changing into your normal outfit.

You went home and began getting ready for the date. You took a shower, shaved, did your hair, makeup, you were really going all out for this. It's been a long time since you actually dressed up for someone.

You finished your look, smiling at yourself in the mirror. You walked out your room, going to Wanda's room. "Wanda! Come out here for s sec!" Seconds later Wanda's door opened, her eyes growing wide at your appearance.

"Do I look okay? Natasha's not here right now and I need someone's opinion." Wanda could only nod her head slowly, looking at you up and down.

You giggled at her reaction. "Thanks Wands, you're such a good friend!" A friend. That's all she is to you, and she's gotta keep reminding herself that.

Just then a knock at the door came. You quickly rushed and opened the door. "Ryan, hey!" You greeted him, pulling him in for a hug. He handed you some flowers. "Thank you! They look very pretty." You said, finding a vase to put them in.

Wanda eyed Ryan, feeling nothing, but jealousy.

You gave her one last look before walking out with Ryan. She let out a long sigh, going back to her room.

Now all she could do was hope the date went bad.


You awkwardly walked to the door, looking back at Ryan. He stood there, watching you to make sure you got inside safely. When you opened the door you slammed it shut, going to Wanda's room.

You needed to talk to her.

Wanda opened the door, only to be met by a sad you. You had a pout on your face and your shoulders were slumped down. "Can we talk?" You asked her. Wanda nodded her head, stepping aside to let you in.

You both sat on her bed, an awkward silence filling the room until you spoke. "You're lesbian Wanda, right?" Wanda nodded once more. "I'm gonna ask you a question, and I want you to be honest with me." You took a deep breath.

"Do you think I like girls?" Wanda practically choked on her spit, her eyes wide. "U-uh, why'd you ask?" She said, somewhat avoiding answering.

"Because, Ryan believes I am. He said I was staring at girls that walked by, and I seemed so distracted when the waitress came up to us. I also felt kinda disgusted being there with him. Don't get me wrong, he's sweet, but he wasn't really attractive."

Wanda listened as you spoke. That's exactly how she felt before she knew her sexuality. "I told him how he's the first guy I've gone out with in years and he said it's because I'm not attracted to them, and not I'm kinda starting believing it." You whispered the last part, not wanting anyone else to hear.

You wouldn't be ashamed if you were, but you've never been with a girl before, so you don't wanna jump to conclusions. "Between what Tony said and Ryan, there's a possibility I am, but I'm not gay?" You said almost as if you were questioning it.

"Wanda." You said her name, grabbing her hands gently. "You can say no, but-" You paused, looking up at her. "Will you kiss me?" Wanda's mouth dropped open.

You were quick to change your mind, thinking you've made her uncomfortable. "J-just to see if I would like it. I promise we don't have to if you don't wanna, but I'm just-" Your sentence was cut off by the feeling of Wanda's lips on yours.

It was gently almost as if she was scared to actually put force in the kiss. You were frozen for a couple of seconds before you kissed her back.

Your tongue slipped into her mouth, getting a moan from the sweet girl. Her hands shakily came to your waist, pulling you closer to her.

After a minute of 2 you both pulled back slowly, resting your forehead against one another.

"Yeah, I think I am gay."

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