Natasha Romanoff-Lucky Burglar

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Pairing: Officer!Natasha Romanoff x Burglar!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Choking, Cursing, Degradation, Deepthroat, G!P Natasha, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Names, (Dumb Whore & Slut), Oral, (Natasha Receiving), Praise, Slapping, and Unprotected Sex. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 1,764

Summary: You get caught robbing a bank and your friend leaves you with the police, so you beg to do anything to stay out of trouble.

A/N: A small Officer!Nat AU. I kinda like this one and hope you do as well. Hope You Enjoy!


You looked over at your friend before pulling the black ski mask over your face. You and your friend were about to rob the most famous bank in all New York.

You took your gun out and busted through the door. "Get out of our way!" Your friend called out, pushing people aside. You went up to the front desk, pointing the gun at the banker lady. "Put the money in the bag right now, or I'll blow your brains out!"

The lady shook, tears dropping down her face as she stuffed money from the cash register in the bag. You cocked the gun at her as a warning. "Hurry up, we don't have all day!" She whimpered, picking up her pace.

Your friend already collected the money, before going to the hostage. "Give me all you got now!" Hostages handed over their wallets and everything they had, scared for their lives. You finally got all the money from them before going to your friend.

"You ready?" You nodded your head, making your way to the door, but before you opened it, you could hear the sound of the police sirens coming closer toward you. "Fuck, the cops!" You and your friend took off towards the back, opening a window. "Go first." You said, grabbing her bag.

Your friend hopped out the window, reaching her hand out. "Give me the bags!" You threw her both bags, getting ready to hop out. "Police freeze!" Your eyes grew wide as you heard yelling behind you.

You tried shimmying through the window, but the feeling of hands pulled you back into the bank. You were shocked to see cops staring at you. "Hands up!" Your hands shakily held up, as you were surrounded by multiple cops with their guns aimed at you.

"Handcuff her, I'll go get her partner." Another cop said, rushing out the bank. "You'll never get her!" You yelled out as an officer came behind you. "Don't touch me!" You yelled, flinching away from their hold.

You put up the best fight you could, not wanting them to touch you. You've never been caught before. "Steve, it's alright, I'll deal with her." Your attention snapped to another officer.

She was beautiful.

Her fiery red hair flowing with every movement, her green eyes watching you, and her soft hands that came to your wrist. Although she was pretty, you still fought her and eventually broke out her hold.

You jump out the window, running into the alleyway your friend escaped through. You didn't make it far when Natasha trampled you to the wall. "Stop!" You looked up at her with a pleading expression. "Please don't arrest me."

Natasha ignored your pleads, handcuffing your hands behind your back. "Shit, you sure know how to put up a fight." She said, catching her breath. "Please, I promise I'm a good girl, I can't go to jail!"

Natasha gave a sarcastic laugh, looking at you up and down. "Yeah? Well good girls don't go around robbing banks and fighting the cops." You rolled your eyes, staring at her.

Maybe if you offer something, she'll let you go or even give you less time. "Please, I'll do anything, just don't take me to jail!" Natasha looked at you, almost giving thought. "Anything?" You nodded your head, wondering what she had in mind.

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