Finding The Secret At The Masquerade

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So this is based on the masquerade scene and this idea was suggested by TuskaEdKibbles. Thanks for the idea!

In this one shot the reader is jealous of how much the phantom loves Christine so at the masquerade ball she sneaks into his lair.



'masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you!' the voices of the people in the opera house sung out, even your voice sung it out. You have been at the opera house for 4 years now and so far you have felt unrecognised. As if all the hard work you have been doing has been for nothing. It hurt your feelings but you never showed it as you hoped that one day you would be the star of the show. Yet you got nothing. However, Christine did. She has been getting 'private lessons' from the her 'Angel of music'. what a joke! You can't lie, it's infuriating to you. To see her always being recognised, always wearing the best costumes and having the best voice. It's unfair.

"hello y/n i hope you are enjoying the ball." meg said happily. "oh yes it's...Wonderful!" you put on a fake smile. Meg then walked away. You sighed. 'just try and enjoy yourself y/n.' you thought to yourself. You looked to your left and saw that Christine was dancing with raoul in the middle of room. 'there she goes...miss center of attention!' you thought. All of a sudden, the room went cold. You noticed Christine's face turn pale as she looked behind her. You turned around too, wondering what she was looking at. You saw a man with a skeleton mask on, he wore a red outfit and he appeared to be rather tall.

'why so silent good Monsieur? Did you think i had left you for good?' the man spoke out. You felt a shiver go down your spine when he spoke. It was like a ghost has just passed through you. You saw Christine look at the man however she didn't speak. She looked at the man as if she knew him. Could it be true? Was this man her....Angel of music? It felt like time was at a stand still however your mind wasn't at this Stand still. You had so many questions running through your mind like who is this man? What does he want? Why does it seem like Christine knows him? The man then pulled out a book and said 'i have written you a opera!' and he then the book to one of the opera house owners. He then looked directly at Christine and said. 'your chains are still mine! You will song for me!' fire then erupted in front of us all. Everyone began to run away in panic and fright, but not you. You noticed the man walking away through a passageway through the wall. You ran towards it and managed to get in before it closed. It was dark and cold. The way your shoes tapped against the stone stairs was louder than you thought it would be. You attempted to keep quiet, you didn't want the man to know you were there just yet. While walking through passageway you noticed candle light. You ran towards it. You peeked around the corner of the wall to see a man sat down writing something. You noticed the red costume the man wore at the masquerade ball earlier. This must be him! You were about to turn back when you slipped and fell face down into the room.

As you lifted your head up from the floor your eyes met with the man's and he asked. "who are you!?" you got up from the floor and said. "i am y/n who are you?" the man looked down then back up again at you at said. "my name is something you don't need to know, however you can call me the phantom." you looked shocked. "wait are you the phantom of the opera?" the phantom nodded. You didn't respond you just stood there. You couldn't believe that you were standing face to face with the actual phantom of the opera. "listen to me! You need to leave!" the phantom told you. "why?" you asked. "your aren't meant to know where i live! I stay here for a reason!" the phantom said with a little anger in his voice. "what reason is that?" you asked. "to write my music! Now get out!" the phantom saod as he pushed you to the exit. " write music? For what?" you asked curiously. The phantom stayed silent. "is it for the operas?" you asked. The phantom stopped pushing you and said. "i write it for my angel of music." he said. Wait... Did he just say....HIS angel of music! Then it hit you! HE WAS THE ONE THAT CHRISTINE IS GETTING LESSONS FROM! You turned around and said. "you are the one that is giving Christine singing lessons aren't you? You're bringing her down here aren't you? Why did you pick her?" you ask walking towards him. "why do you care?" he asked. You blushed in embarrassment. "your jealous aren't you?" the phantom questioned. You looked at him, your eyes looked down at the stone floor. You felt his hand grab onto your chin and he lifted it up so your gaze met his. His eyes seemed to be....sparkling. "if you want could just ask." he said, his voice deepened. You nodded. The phantoms hand then made it's way from your chin to your hand and he led you into the middle of the room. The phantom then went behind you but he stood so close to you. " starts with you stomach believe it or not." the phantom said. You then felt his hand on your stomach. Your breath hitched and you heard the phantom let out a dark chuckle than he continued speaking. "it goes from your stomach all the way up to your mouth." while he said this, his hand trailed from your stomach slowly up to your mouth. His boney finger presses lightly against your lips. "are you enjoying the lesson my dear?" the phantom asked in a seductive tone. "mmm yes" you replied. "well that's all we got time for I'm afraid." he said as he pushed you away. You gasp in shock as you seen him walking towards an organ and sitting down.

You only now noticed that he was wearing a half mask that was covering his right side of his face. You felt reluctant to ask but you got too curious. "why do you wear that mask?" the phantom quickly looked up at you and said. "you don't need to know!" "but i want to know!" "you can't!" "why not?" that was the final straw. The phantom stood up and walked towards you and he grabbed your face and yelled. "ENOUGH WITH THE QUESTIONS!" "i..i am sorry." you responded. The phantom sighed and let you go. "if you leave now and don't tell anyone where i am, you can come back for some singing lessons." he said. "really" you asked. "well of course...i can see a lot of...potential in you." he responded. You giggled. He then lead you to the exit and he waved goodbye to you.

Once you returned to the opera house you finally realised how Christine became so great but can use that against her.

To become




Thanks for reading!


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