What's Under Your Mask?

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Hey everyone!

I have so many ideas right now I'm making so many chapters! LOL

It sort of gets....spicy....not much but it does. So yall been warned.

Hope you all enjoy!


You sat in the phantom's lair, your heart heavy as you watched Erik, the mysterious opera ghost, walking across the room. You had grown rather closer to him since the first time you met, which was extremely awkward since you literally fell into his lair. Since that day though your connection was unbreakable, but the mystery of his face looked like under his mask gnawed at you.

"Erik, why won't you show me your face? I want to see who you truly are." you pleaded. Erik's eyes darkened as he shook his head. "You can't comprehend the horror of my face my dear. You would run in terror if you saw it."

"That's not true Erik! In fact it's far from the truth!" you insisted, your voice determined. "I love you so much, Erik and i want to see the real you, regardless of your appearance, and besides...it is rather difficult to kiss you with that mask on."

The air crackled with tension as Erik hesitated, his hand inching towards the mask that shielded his face. The silence stretched. Anticipation filled the air, until with a trembling hand, Erik reluctantly removed his mask, exposing the disfigured features that had haunted him for so long. His heart raced with fear, expecting you to recoil in horror. Your eyes widened in surprise, your hand flying to your mouth. To Erik's disbelief, your gaze didn't falter. Instead, you stepped closer, your eyes filled with compassion. "Erik, your...... Actually rather attractive....more than before...you look so....unique...i love it!" you said happily. Erik looked at you in shock then tears began to well in his eyes, overwhelmed by your acceptance. "I feared you would leave me," he admitted. You reached out and took Erik's hand, your touch was reassuring to Erik. "I'm not going anywhere.....your so handsome...and besides, why would i leave the love of my life over a few scars and deformities....You don't have to hide from me anymore."

With your words, a weight lifted from Erik's shoulders, and for the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to relax about his appearance, if you could except the way he looks then he could learn to except it too. You looked into his eyes that were sparkling because of his tears that seemed to refuse to leave his eyes. You then asked. "so...dose it get cold for you....like more than usual. I mean your brain is kind of poking out a little bit....not trying to be mean....you must know that but....genuinely......do you want me to buy you a wooly hat for that?" Erik let out a extremely loud laugh. "what?....it's a genuine question right?" you asked. "oh y/n...i love you more than you could ever imagine!" Erik said. He then kissed your forehead. "i know." you giggled in response.

For the rest of the day, Erik kept his mask off. If your honest, you preferred him with it off. It allowed you to see him. The real Erik. YOUR erik. "what are you starting at my love?" Erik questioned with a chuckle. "oh...just the most handsome man i know" you giggled back. Erik then walked over to you, he was inches away from you. "is that right?" he asked. "indeed it is...Monsieur." you replied. Erik loved when you call him that. He immediately picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He then began to kiss your lips and you returned the kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck. Erik's hands then went from your waist to your butt. You gasped in surprise and Erik took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You moaned at this. Your hand moved to Erik's cheek and your fingers felt across his scars and you felt somewhat at peace.

Then ayesha, Erik's cat came into the room. She let out a loud meow to get both of your attention. You and Erik stopped kissing and looked towards ayesha. Erik then chuckled and said. "trust me ayesha, you don't want any part of this." "wait...do you know what i just realised!" you said. Erik then got worried. Did you realise how dry his lips were? Did you realise how thin his hair really was? Did you realise that he a had a.....certain....'thing' going on. "i realise that....i didn't have to tilt my head to kiss you like i normally have to do when you wear your mask."you said seductively. Erik chuckled then kiss you again, yet this time he kissed you with 10x more passion. He then ran to the bedroom with you still in his arms and slammed the door behind you both with his foot. Ayesha looked at the door and shook her head. Ayesha ran over to Erik's organ and sat down on the chair. She then heard strange noises coming from the room you and Erik shared. All ayesha thought at that moment was 'it's about bloody time he shown her.'


Hope you all enjoyed!

If you have any requests let me know!

Thank you for reading!

Good bye for now!

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