Are You Jealous?

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I just new i had to create a one shot where the phantom is jealous because why not!

Hope you all enjoy!


It was that time again. You were sat on the sofa with the most loveable, adorable, caring and definitely one of your favourite family members. When ever you looked into their eyes you always felt a wave of happiness wash over you. Their presence alone makes you smile. This wonderful person is.......

Not even a person.

Their a cat.

A cat named ayesha.

She wasn't even your cat.

She was your boyfriend Erik's cat.

You were sat on the sofa and ayesha was sat next to you with her head on you lap. Erik, as usual, was sat by his organ. Writing another opera. Sometimes it feels like it's only you and ayesha sometimes since erik hardly ever bothers with you when you both have free time. He normally just sits at his organ, watches performances from box five or just leaves to do something. So most of the time it is just you and ayesha. You looked over at erik, his head was down, completely engrossed in his work. You turned back to loom at ayesha and her head looked up to you, he big yellow eyes staring directly into yours. You smiled and pet her head gently. She purred in response. You then picked ayesha up and walked up to the organ where erik was sitting. "erik, sweetheart." you say. Erik hummed in response. "i was was wondering if you...want to cuddle with me and ayesha for a bit. I know you're busy but...well we haven't really spent any time together are looking particular attractive at that organ you know." you said smirking. Ayesha meowed at this. Without looking up from his notes erik simply said. "uhhh...sure darling i agree ayesha dose need a bath." ayesha let out a sassy meow at Erik's comment. Maybe cat's can understand humans after all. "wait..what?" you asked. Erik finally looked up. "wait what did you say darling? I was...focused." erik said. "i was just saying how.....attractive you are sat athe that organ i think about it...instead of cuddling....let's head to the bedroom and-" you got interrupted by erik saying. "hang on my love, i just got a brilliant idea for this part of the opera...can you fill ayesha food bowl up for me please? i think it's empty. We can talk about going for a walk later, alright darling." he said, immediately looking back down at his notes. "but i didn't say anything about a walk....nevermind...sure I'll fill up her bowl." you said, defeated. Erik didn't even respond. You walked to the kitchen, you set ayesha down onto the floor then grabbed her food from the bottom cupboard. You filled her bowl and she immediately began to eat. You sat down on the counter top amd began to rant. "ayesha....i don't get can he just sit there and write opera's all day.....i mean we hardly talk anymore, like come on! I know i can talk a lot but i need some attention." ayesha just carried on eating so you continued. "it's as if I'm not important to him...he barely even notices me anymore...i genuinely think he loves his organ more than me....i guess he has had that organ a long time and he is good at what he does BUT I'm his girlfriend....yet he treats me like I'm hello I'm here in front of your face!" you stop talking to see ayesha stop eating her food and walking up to you. "i just wish there was a way to show him what he is missing out on." you say. You look down to see ayesha rubbing her head on you ankle. You then got a idea.

You left the kitchen and went into were erik was writing the organ. With ayesha in your arms you said." oh ayesha you so cute. I love you so much ayesha! Your so beautiful and caring. Your my favourite person ever.....well you are not a person but you know what i mean." you saw erik look up at you briefly before looking back down. You continued. "ayesha your the best! There's nobody else i would want to spend my time with" you heard erik groan at this. You looked over at him and he got up, grabbed his stuff and made his way to the kitchen. Once he was out of sight you looked back at ayesha and said. "that's what he gets for ignoring me!" ayesha meowed. "ok fine. That's what he get for ignoring US."

It was night-time now and you were sitting up in the bed you shared with erik, with ayesha in your arms. The door to the bedroom then began to open. "ayesha you are such a good kitty!" you spoke. You saw erik standing in the doorway from the corner of your eye. "you are so cuddly ayesha. I love you so much." you said. You then kissed ayesha's nose which was theat straw for erik. He walked over to you without saying a word. He took ayesha from your arms and she began to loudly hiss and thrashed around in a attempt to escaped Erik's grasp. Erik then dropped ayesha outside of the room and slammed the door in her face. "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" You yelled. Erik didn't say a word. He just got undressed and put on his nightwear except he didn't remove his mask. He then got into the bed and sat up next to you. "i just....didn't want her fur getting in the bed!" erik responded turning his head away. You giggle and ask. "that's not the real reason is it my angel?" erik sighed and looked at you. "no" "care to tell me?" you asked. Erik moved closer to you and said. "you were spending all day with ayesha. I mean i know i was busy didn't do what you usually did. You usually read books or sing a little song and all i heard today was 'ayesha i love you' or 'ayesha your fur is so soft' i mean...sometimes i will listen in or look at you. You're lovely and kind. I wish you showed me the same attention you showed ayesha today, even though i was busy i still wanted it." " the great opera ghost telling me he's jealous?" you asked with a giggle. "fine i guess....i guess i am." he replied. You moved closer and placed your hand on his chest. "well then..let me give you that affection." you said seductively. "oh my darling...i thought the words wouldn't leave you lips." erik said. You lips then smashed together. You placed your arms around his neck. Erik the got on top of you and you giggled into the kiss. Erik then placed his hand on your waist, he removed his lips from yours and asked. "is this a new nightgown my love?" you then removed his mask and viewed his disfigured face before saying. "why yes it is......thank you for noticing."


Hey guys hope you enjoyed!

If you have any requests then let me know!


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